Substance Use

Inpatient Rehab For Men

circle of men in inpatient rehab

What Is Inpatient Rehab for Men and How Can It Help?

Are you or someone close to you struggling with drug or alcohol addiction? Break the cycle of substance abuse with the help of rehabilitation. Inpatient rehab for men is a comprehensive addiction treatment program providing 24/7 support, medical supervision, counseling, therapy, and life skills development.

At Zinnia Health, our top priority is helping those struggling with addiction to achieve complete recovery and long-term sobriety. With many years of experience in the field, we understand that relapse prevention starts with a quality inpatient rehab program focused on individual needs. Call our helpline 24/7 at (855) 430-9439.

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Overview of Inpatient Rehab for Men

Inpatient rehab is a type of residential treatment for men struggling with addiction. This type of drug rehab provides 24-hour access to detox care, therapy, counseling, and other services that can help individuals address substance use disorder (SUD).

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), substance use disorders do not discriminate. They have the potential to affect individuals from all backgrounds and ages.

Although these afflictions are widespread, many people can recover with appropriate drug treatment plans and support.

1. What is Inpatient Rehab?

During inpatient rehab, individuals live at the facility and receive around-the-clock support from medical staff members specializing in treating SUDs.

The goal of inpatient drug rehab programs is to provide comprehensive care that helps you learn how to manage your addiction while developing the skills needed to lead a healthier life after leaving the facility.

2. Benefits of Inpatient Rehab

People recovering from addiction can benefit greatly from being removed from their home environment. Often, the environment plays a role in enabling alcohol or drug use without consequence.

Here are some more perks of choosing an accredited inpatient rehab for men:

  • Increased safety due to continuous supervision by trained professionals
  • Personalized care tailored specifically to individual needs
  • Access to evidence-based treatments such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)*
  • Healthy peer support with support groups where peers can share experiences and offer encouragement during recovery
  • Medical support to help patients detox safely
  • Access to medication-assisted treatment to reduce cravings and reduce withdrawal symptoms

*According to the University of Pennsylvania, CBT is a highly-effective treatment method that focuses on the relationship between a client and their trained therapist to assist the client in reaching personal objectives and whole-person wellness.

Preparing for Inpatient Rehab

Preparing yourself for treatment at a recovery center can be daunting at first. Gathering the facts and understanding the process and costs of treatment can help you move forward. With all the information in hand, you’ll be able to make the necessary arrangements to ensure a successful experience.

1. Gather Necessary Documents and Information

This includes insurance cards, a valid photo ID, medical records or reports from doctors or therapists, and contact information for family members or other support people. It is also helpful to have a list of current medications.

2. Understand the Cost of Treatment

The cost of treatment at an inpatient rehab facility can vary depending on the type of program chosen and the length of stay. Insurance may cover some costs but not all, so it’s essential to understand what’s covered before committing to a particular program.

Sometimes your insurance policy will have a deductible that has to be covered before they will begin to pay for services. Some facilities offer payment plans or financial assistance programs as well, so make sure to ask about these options if needed.

3. Make Arrangements

Make alternative arrangements for childcare or pet care if necessary. Plan ahead by making sure bills are paid and arrange transportation back home after completing the program.

The Inpatient Rehab Experience

Here’s what you need to know for a successful inpatient experience.

1. The Intake Process and Initial Evaluation

The intake process for inpatient rehab typically begins with a physical exam, followed by an assessment of the patient’s medical history. This helps doctors determine if any underlying health conditions or co-occurring disorders need to be addressed before treatment can begin.

During this time, the patient will also meet with a mental health professional and develop an individualized treatment plan.

2. Inpatient Rehab Services

Once admitted into an inpatient facility, patients typically follow a structured daily routine that includes the following:

  • Group therapy sessions
  • Individual counseling sessions
  • Educational classes on addiction recovery topics, such as relapse prevention strategies
  • Recreational activities like yoga or art therapy and medication management

Depending on the facility, patients may also have access to other services such as:

  • Nutritional counseling
  • Spiritual guidance
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy
  • Family therapy

At Zinnia Health, our ability to customize your program based on individual needs makes us one of the leading providers of quality care. If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction and need help, please call our 24/7 helpline at (855) 430-9439. Our rehab centers provide inpatient and outpatient treatment services for those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.

Aftercare Planning and Support Services

Recovery doesn’t end with inpatient rehab. An essential part of the recovery process is aftercare planning.

1. Develop a Post-Treatment Plan

After completing an inpatient rehab program, it is crucial to have a plan for continuing care and support. This includes implementing sobriety measures, such as regularly attending meetings or therapy sessions.

It also involves creating a list of people who can provide emotional and practical support during times of difficulty. Additionally, the post-treatment plan includes ways to avoid triggers that could lead to relapse.

2. Find Support Groups and Other Resources

Once the post-treatment plan has been established, local resources can help maintain sobriety after leaving an inpatient treatment facility.

This may include joining 12-step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, finding therapists specializing in addiction recovery counseling, or attending group therapy sessions with other recovering addicts.

FAQs in Relation to Inpatient Rehab for Men

These FAQS will help you better understand the inpatient rehab experience for men.

1. What can the average person expect from rehab?

Rehab can provide a safe, supportive environment to work through addiction and begin the process of recovery. During inpatient treatment, you can expect medical care and individualized counseling from a licensed professional.

Group therapy sessions and educational classes are also available to help build new skills for living a healthy, sober life.

2. What are the benefits of going to rehab?

The benefits of rehab can include moving beyond substance abuse, improved mental health, and increased self-awareness. Rehab helps individuals build the skills needed to manage emotions, cope with stressors, and create long-term strategies for sobriety.

Additionally, rehab programs often offer family counseling services that can help build strong support networks for the recovery journey.

3. What are the risks of not going to rehab?

Failure to seek addiction treatment can lead to serious health risks, including an increased risk of overdose and death. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 92,000 American lives were lost to drug-related overdose in 2020. This number includes both illicit drugs and prescription opioids.

Not going to rehab can lead to further complications such as legal issues, job loss, financial strain, and damaged relationships.

4. Is inpatient rehab right for everyone?

Inpatient treatment is not the right fit for everyone, but it can be an effective form of recovery for those who need intensive supervision and 24-hour support.

According to the surgeon general, everyone has a unique journey to healing based on the influence of their culture, financial background, psychological and behavioral needs, and the characteristics of their addiction.

5. How is rehab different for men?

Although the general structure of rehab is the same for all genders, gender-specific programs provide a space for individuals to connect with people who share similar experiences.

6. What can relatives do to help?

Family members can play an important role in supporting a loved one’s recovery journey and encouraging sober living by:

  • Offering emotional support and understanding
  • Helping identify triggers or warning signs of relapse
  • Providing practical assistance such as transportation to meetings or therapy sessions

Family members can also seek out counseling services to learn about addiction and recovery.

7. How many people who go to rehab relapse?

The overall rate of relapse is difficult to estimate. It is important to recognize that many factors contribute to an individual’s ability to stay sober. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, relapse does not necessarily indicate ineffective treatment.

It can simply be part of the recovery process, and people can use relapses as learning experiences to further their commitment to sobriety.

8. What are some strategies for achieving long-term sobriety?

Some strategies for achieving long-term sobriety include:

  • Maintaining an active lifestyle
  • Developing a sense of purpose or direction in life
  • Being part of a supportive social network
  • Attending regular therapy sessions
  • Creating an aftercare program with your treatment provider
  • Joining a 12-step program or another mutual support group
  • Avoiding triggers including people, places, and things associated with substance use
  • Celebrating small successes and keeping track of progress toward sobriety

Start Your Healing Journey With Inpatient Rehab for Men Today

Inpatient rehab for men can provide the structure, support, and guidance needed to begin the journey of recovery. It is essential to be well-prepared before entering an inpatient program and have a plan for aftercare services once treatment has finished.

With dedication and commitment to the process, you can learn how to live a life free from substance abuse. Inpatient rehab for men offers hope that long-term sobriety is possible.

At Zinnia Health, we understand the difficulties inherent to addiction and are here to help. We offer men comprehensive treatment options, providing a safe and supportive environment for sobriety. Our addiction help hotline, open 24/7 at (855) 430-9439 so that you can find a treatment center near you.

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