Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment: Medical Detox
Alcohol rehab, along with substance abuse treatment, can impact people from all walks of life. Reliance on any substance can significantly disrupt various aspects of your life. Whether it’s your relationships with loved ones, your professional life, or your overall well-being, you might find yourself feeling disconnected from your usual self. If you’re considering seeking help, a detox facility could help.
Detoxification (also called detox) is a necessary step on the road to sobriety and freedom from substance abuse. The quick definition of medical detox is the elimination of substances from your body following a pattern of use and abuse.
It may sound simple enough, but it is multi-faceted and requires commitment and guidance. A properly conducted detox eases the symptoms associated with withdrawal and is carefully monitored to ensure the safest and most comfortable transition.
Detoxification is only one component of a thorough addiction treatment program. It does, however, significantly impact how the rest of your withdrawal and recovery will go.
Addiction treatment isn’t as simple as ceasing to use and letting your body rid itself of toxins. There are numerous psychological and physical factors that need to be considered as you move through the different stages.
Each individual experiences a different range of symptoms and durations of detox, making individualized care extremely important. There is no one-size-fits-all program that works for everyone. (1)

What Is the Difference Between Natural Detox and Medical Detox?
It might come as a surprise to discover that there are various approaches to detoxification. Some individuals may assume they can simply stop using substances, endure the uncomfortable side effects and symptoms, and then be liberated from the grip of addiction.
In reality, there are different modalities, such as inpatient treatment and inpatient rehab, outpatient programs, and drug rehab facilities, available to assist individuals in their journey toward recovery.
In the excitement of getting through the initial phase, it’s easy to forget that detox is only the first step. The psychological impact of addiction is easily the most challenging aspect to address once the withdrawal period is over.
Natural Detox
Natural detoxification may sound like a great option. There are no doctors, no facilities, and no additional medications. There is a perception that getting clean at home is less expensive; you can do it on your terms without having to take more drugs, miss work, or participate in therapy.
Studies have shown that this detox method has a significantly higher rate of relapse. (2)
Many who choose this route might also use complementary therapies, including:
- Massage treatment
- Acupuncture
- Herbal remedies
- Saunas
- Meditation
Some of these methods might improve the care given in addiction treatment facilities, but they might not address all of the different levels of care needed to address the underlying psychological and physical problems linked to addiction. It might be hard for loved ones to accept this reality.
A large percentage of people who use natural detox will relapse, finding themselves back in the addiction cycle.
One of the biggest hurdles you may face is the discomfort caused by withdrawal symptoms as your body rids itself of whatever substance you have become dependent on. It’s not uncommon in an uncontrolled environment to take “just a little” to relieve the symptoms, only to fall back into the old patterns of use rapidly.
Unfortunately, natural detox can also be a dangerous route to take. Particularly with substances that cause strong physical dependencies, such as benzodiazepines and alcohol.
Abrupt removal of these substances without medications and proper observation to help manage the side effects can cause frightening symptoms.
These include:
- Seizures
- Respiratory
- Cardiac failure
- Death (In some cases)
Apart from the physical toll that natural detox can take, the mental and emotional impacts must also be considered. Professional and peer support is vital for continued success once the detoxification process is completed.
Medical Detox
Medical detoxification utilizes pharmaceuticals that ease both the physical and psychological impacts of withdrawal. One concern you may have is that you will become addicted to other drugs during treatment.
While this is a valid concern, if medical detox is planned and managed by an experienced team of addiction specialists, the chance of developing additional addictions is very low.
Detox treatment typically occurs within a treatment center, offering round-the-clock access to support and medical care. This becomes crucial, particularly when addiction medicine is administered to aid the body in transitioning away from dependence on a substance.
Continuous monitoring is also instrumental in avoiding severe complications like delirium tremens.
Inpatient detox and treatment provide a support system of care professionals and camaraderie with others in substance abuse recovery. (3) It has been found that this interaction with others facing the same challenges is vital to continued sobriety.
What is Drug & Alcohol Addiction?
Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. It is considered a brain disorder because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in reward, stress, and self-control. (4)
Addiction doesn’t just stem from moral shortcomings or a lack of willpower; it also involves alterations in the brain’s reward system, memory, and judgment. This condition can profoundly impact one’s relationships, overall functioning, and both physical and mental health.
Those with addiction or drug abuse may encounter withdrawal symptoms when trying to quit, perpetuating the cycle of substance use.
Seeking assistance from healthcare professionals and exploring treatment options, such as rehab centers or drug rehab programs, can offer avenues for recovery. Those with substance use disorder may undergo alcohol detox when they choose to stop using drugs or alcohol.
Substance use disorder frequently results in dangerous behaviors, legal problems, financial difficulties, and social isolation.
What Drugs and Substances Require a Detox Program?
Many substances can cause both a physical and psychological addiction, making detox and withdrawal best managed by an experienced medical team. Some substances can induce significant discomfort during withdrawal, while others pose dangers when withdrawn without medical aid. (1)
Certain drugs, such as antidepressants or antipsychotics, typically do not necessitate drug detox programs due to their lower risk of physical dependence, especially considering individuals with underlying health conditions.
Stimulants cause the release of excess norepinephrine and dopamine, the “feel good” brain chemicals. These drugs can be either prescribed or illicit, making their abuse even harder to prevent.
The physical and psychological effects of stopping stimulants can be severe, with symptoms such as:
- Acute weariness
- Melancholy
- Agitation
- Intense cravings
Some of the most common stimulants that require withdrawal include:
Opioids are common prescription drugs frequently used for pain relief. They are also highly addictive and find their way into the illegal drug market. One exception is heroin, a morphine derivative, and a popular street drug.
Here are the opioids that are regularly abused, both with a prescription and illegally obtained:
- Oxycodone
- Hydrocodone
- Heroin
- Morphine
- Codeine
Benzodiazepines (often called “benzos”) are a group of depressant drugs prescribed primarily for anxiety but are effective in the short-term treatment of insomnia, seizures, and nausea. They’re also effective when used as a pre-medication before inducing anesthesia in surgical or medical procedure patients. (5)
These are the most used (and abused) benzodiazepines:
- Alprazolam (Xanax)
- Diazepam (Valium)
- Lorazepam (Ativan)
Alcohol is both a stimulant and a depressant, making it a complex substance to withdraw from. It is also legal for purchase by individuals over the age of 21 in most states in the US, making it readily accessible.
In severe cases, the detoxification and withdrawal from alcohol can cause delirium tremens (also known as “DTs”), a very serious and potentially life-threatening condition. (6)
What Factors Affect the Outcome of Detox?
As stated above, no two individuals experience detox in the same way.
How you move through the steps will depend on various things, including:
- Your physical health status. Are you getting enough sleep? Do you eat regularly? Do you have any other underlying medical conditions?
- Your mental health status. Do you have any other mental health issues that might affect your reaction to the detox process?
- How long have you been using substances? Have you been a casual user and recently increased the amount and frequency of use? How many months/years have you been using substances?
- Your commitment to following through with treatment. Are you ready to get sober? Are you willing to stay focused on the continued effort to stay sober?
- Your support system. Do you have friends or family that will encourage you to stay clean? Will you utilize support groups and programs once you have completed initial treatment?
A detox specialist at Zinnia Health will carefully assess these and other factors to develop an individualized plan just for you.
How Long Does Detox Take?
The duration of your detox will depend on many things, such as:
- What type(s) of substance(s) you are detoxing from
- If there is more than one substance being used at the same time
- How long you’ve been using
- How much of a substance you’re using
- How frequently you’re using
- Underlying medical conditions
The detox process typically takes three to five days for the substance(s) to leave your body. However, in some instances, it may take a little longer, particularly in cases with underlying metabolic conditions such as diabetes.
During this time, withdrawal symptoms will emerge, making it essential to have proper physical and psychological support.
What Symptoms Can Be Experienced During Detox?
During addiction recovery, individuals may undergo a range of physical and psychological symptoms as part of the detoxification process. While not everyone will encounter every side effect, it’s good to know what to expect.
Below are several common symptoms often observed once detoxification begins at a drug addiction treatment facility.
Headaches are one of the most frequently reported symptoms during detox and can range from mild to extreme, migraine-like pain. They’re prevalent during alcohol withdrawal but can also be present with withdrawal from many other types of substances.
Brain Fog
Experiencing brain fog or a sense of detachment from your environment is a common occurrence and can make you feel like you’re navigating through a haze. (7) This sensation will gradually fade as your body detoxifies from the substances you’ve been dependent on, particularly under the care of rehabilitation facilities or addiction centers.
Muscle and Joint Aches
Muscle and joint aches are also typical symptoms during detox. Many people find that warm baths, gentle massage, and exercise can help alleviate some of the discomfort of detox-associated aches and pains.
Detox is a whole-body process and takes a lot of energy, both physically and mentally. Experiencing fatigue and lethargy are prevalent during drug and alcohol withdrawal.
Nausea and Vomiting
As your body rids itself of the toxic substances coursing through it, you may feel nauseous or even vomit. Anti-nausea drugs are available to help with this transition, as vomiting can affect your ability to take in and absorb proper nutrition. It can also rapidly cause dehydration if not addressed.
These symptoms and more can slow the recovery process if you use them again to make them go away. However, in a medically managed environment with proper support, you can take advantage of both the physical and psychological management tools available.
What to Expect at Detox Intake
Intake may sound frightening and even intrusive, but it will provide your care team with vital information to help develop a treatment plan just for you. While each facility will have its own intake process, there are several standard procedures.
The intake process should be looked at as an opportunity for your care team to learn more about you and vice versa. You can ask questions and learn more about how your detox center operates. (8)
It’s helpful to have these items ready when you arrive to expedite the initial paperwork.
- Your ID
- Insurance card or information
- Necessary financial information
- Emergency contacts
- A comprehensive medical history, including allergies and any medications you are taking
You will be asked to turn over restricted items. These may include:
- Drugs and drug paraphernalia
- Weapons
- Toiletries containing alcohol
- Certain electronics, such as cell phones or tablets
Your intake professional will give you an assessment to learn more about your current needs and what might be the best course of treatment as you move through the program. In addition, a physical exam, bloodwork, and breathalyzer may be required prior to admittance.
Your Home Away From Home
TV and movies can shine a biased and unflattering light on detox and rehab. While it is not an easy process, it is rarely as dramatic as the film industry depicts it.
The majority of clinics have abandoned the institution-style of treatment and created warm, inviting, and home-like environments to help make your stay more effective. Private or semi-private rooms, nutritious food, comfortable furnishings, and amenities all help you maintain a positive attitude during detox.
Are you looking for a welcoming environment for your healing journey? Zinnia Health can provide you with the perfect setting for your detox. With locations across the country, you can find the peace of mind you need to focus on the most important thing – your healing. Give us a call today at (855) 430-9439 to find a location just right for you. Meet our admissions team. Available 24/7.
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- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1976118/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5047716/
- https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugs-brains-behavior-science-addiction/drug-misuse-addiction
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470159/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK482134/
- https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34714198/
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