Substance Use

How Much Does Inpatient Rehab Cost?

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The Cost of Drug and Alcohol Inpatient Rehab

Knowing how much inpatient rehab costs isn’t always so cut and dry. It’s essential to understand the differences when choosing between inpatient and outpatient care.

Inpatient rehab provides treatment for alcohol addiction, substance use disorders, and mental health conditions in a safe and supportive environment. While some people choose outpatient rehab as a treatment method, inpatient rehab is more effective for those who need detox or additional support.

Going through detox in a medically-supervised facility reduces the risk of having a relapse or experiencing uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms. However, it costs more to stay at an inpatient facility than to attend outpatient programs while living at home.

There isn’t a set figure for how much it would cost to go to an inpatient rehabilitation facility. However, certain factors, such as cost and length of stay, can increase or decrease the cost.

Zinnia Health offers inpatient addiction recovery programs that include holistic treatments such as nature therapy and yoga. These evidence-based programs offer continual benefits to our patients even after reaching sobriety. To find out how holistic treatments can help you reach your sobriety goals, call Zinnia Health at (855) 430-9439.

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What Factors Into the Cost of Drug and Alcohol Rehab?

The cost of addiction treatment in inpatient rehabilitation varies greatly. Some treatment facilities are free of cost or low cost, like those hosted by religious organizations or an individual’s state. For others, you may be expected to pay as much as a luxury resort. 

It isn’t possible to give an exact quote since each facility differs; facilities calculate the cost using many factors. Some factors that drive the cost are drug and alcohol rehab, include location, amenities, level of care, and type of treatment.

1. Location

Inpatient rehabilitation centers, like Zinnia Health, are located in several states. The cost of living in these states differs by county and city. Towns near tourist attractions or popular amenities like beaches or mountains are significantly more expensive than those in rural areas. The good news is that there are several ways to drive down the costs.

You can:

  • Find a location outside of your area (if you live in a heavily populated city)
  • Call your insurance company to help you locate an inpatient facility in a surrounding city
  • Call Zinnia Health to locate out-of-state facilities that may be suitable for you

According to the New York Department of Financial Services, your insurer will cover inpatient treatment of a substance use disorder at any in-network facility, regardless of the location.

2. Amenities

Inpatient rehabilitation centers with basic necessities often cost less than those with extravagant amenities. Some inpatient rehabs have a home-like feel. These facilities feature televisions, large beds, and additional bedroom furniture.

Other rehab facilities are considered “luxury” and contain amenities such as:

  • Tennis courts
  • Swimming pools
  • Massage rooms
  • Spas

Luxury rehabs may also provide special diets for their patients.

3. Rehabilitation Programs

The type of program you enroll in determines a good amount of the cost.

A medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program, for example, may be more expensive than traditional detox. A person enrolled in this program receives medication to prevent painful and life-threatening withdrawal symptoms.

This type of detox can cost more due to the medication and level of supervision. The National Institute on Drug Abuse states that methadone treatment, including medication and medical support, costs, on average, $126.00 per week — but this figure doesn’t include lodging expenses.

After detox, your plan may include one of the following programs:

Enrolling in holistic treatment programs like art or yoga therapy can increase the average cost of addiction treatment.

4. Level of Care

According to the Connecticut State Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, rehabilitation, detox, and MAT costs will vary based on the level of care needed. People with severe opioid addictions often require a longer stay and more intensive treatment. This may include a combination of medication-assisted detox and treatment for a co-occurring mental or substance use disorder.

Individuals enrolled in dual diagnosis programs are more at risk for relapse. To reduce this risk, according to the National Library of Medicine – Medline, they require treatment for both disorders simultaneously. The amount and type of medication administered in a dual-diagnosis program can increase the cost of inpatient care.

Will My Health Insurance Cover the Cost of Rehab?

Technically, even if it isn’t in your policy, your health insurance will cover rehab. Here’s why.

According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act of 2008 (MHPAEA) requires private insurance companies to provide the same level of benefits for substance use treatment as they would for medical and surgical care.

To use your insurance for inpatient care, call your insurer and ask if the chosen facility is covered. If it isn’t, they can provide a list of covered facilities.

If Rehab is “Covered,” Will My Insurance Pay Fully?

It’s important to note that “covered” doesn’t mean fully paid. Some insurance companies require a deductible or co-pay before you can use your benefits. The average deductible for policy enrollees is $750, according to the Department of Health and Services. Ask your insurance carrier about these requirements and the amount due to avoid any delays in treatment. 

Do you or someone you know struggle with a drug or alcohol addiction? Inpatient rehabilitation can be the key to turning your life around. Whether you’re battling an addiction, symptoms of withdrawal, or repeated relapses, our team of experts can help. Contact us at Zinnia Health to learn about our treatment programs and payment options.

Will Medicare or Medicaid Cover Inpatient Rehab?

Like traditional health insurance providers, both programs offer coverage for substance use treatment — though certain parts may not be covered.

1. How Do Medicaid and Medicare Differ from Health Insurance?

Medicare and Medicaid are federally funded programs that cover healthcare expenses for low-income, disabled, or senior citizens. These programs are administered through each state and have different requirements for enrollment.

More than 83.9 million Americans have Medicaid coverage (as of September 2022), and more than 63 million Americans have Medicare protection (as of March 2022). People with either coverage can receive necessary treatment for physical or mental health-related issues, which include substance use treatment.

2. Is There a Co-Pay or Deductible with Medicare or Medicaid?

You aren’t required to pay a co-pay for inpatient opioid treatment or any inpatient rehabilitation as long as the facility is enrolled in Medicare and meets its requirements. However, some parts of your treatment may not be covered.

  • Medicare Requirements: Medicare does require you to pay a Part B deductible for medications administered and supplies given during your stay. Medicare Advantage Plan enrollees are also covered for inpatient treatment programs.
  • Medicaid Requirements: Medicaid may or may not cover all or part of inpatient rehab, depending on the state. The benefits for individuals enrolled in Medicaid, Child Health Plus, or Essential Plan are subject to state-approved rules and regulations. For this reason, you should call your local Department of Health or Medicaid to explore your coverage details. This may take a few phone calls to work out.

If your inpatient stay is urgent, such as a court-ordered treatment, it can take up to 72 hours for your insurer to make a decision about paying the facility. Insurance providers review all retroactive (post-treatment) payment requests within 30 days.

Am I Responsible to Pay for Court-Ordered Drug Rehab?

Court-ordered rehab, also called involuntary commit for inpatient treatment, is enacted by a probate court. When you enroll in this type of treatment, it’s not by choice. To be elected for court-ordered inpatient rehab, you must demonstrate one or more of the following:

  • Drug addiction or drug dependency
  • A grave disability that prevents you from applying to rehab on your own
  • Risk of serious physical harm due to intoxication
  • A danger to yourself or others

1. Can I Choose the Facility Based on Cost?

Rules for involuntarily committing an individual to rehab are likely to differ from state to state. In one example, the Massachusetts Bureau of Substance Addiction Services states that any qualifying Massachusetts resident can petition the court to have an individual placed in involuntary treatment. In many cases, you won’t have an opportunity to weigh out the cost.

However, before the court considers involuntary care, the defendant has the right to a court review in which they give testimony to argue against placement.

If the judge decides to go ahead with the involuntary treatment, you won’t have a say in the facility or its cost. 

2. What if I’m Unable to Pay for Court-Ordered Drug Rehab?

If you aren’t placed in a department of social and health services facility, no matter what state you reside in, the cost of involuntary placement is your responsibility. The only time you are not responsible for paying, according to the Washington State Legislature, is if doing so puts you in significant financial hardship.

Will Going to Inpatient Rehab Cost Me My Job?

Some people might be hesitant to enroll in an inpatient program for fear of losing their jobs. However, most employers provide time off for rehab under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA).

What You Need to Know About FMLA:

  • The Family Medical Leave Act allows you to request time off from work for substance abuse treatment if a healthcare provider administers it.
  • The Family and Medical Leave Act Advisor states that an employer can’t take action against you for exercising this right. However, employers with an established zero-tolerance policy about substance use reserve the right to fire employees regardless of their FMLA rights.
  • Family members of an FMLA-covered individual may also request FMLA leave to care for a family member receiving treatment. Ask your employer how to file for leave under FMLA for more details. If you’re still unsure, speak to the service coordinator at the rehab of your choice.

1. What Happens To My Job If I Need Inpatient Treatment More Than Once?

If your FMLA requests don’t exceed 12 weeks in 12 months, you can use it more than once. The U.S. Department of Labor outlines intermittent leave as needing to use FMLA more than once a year. Some people enter rehab in short blocks rather than one long-term stay. However, the 30 days notice still applies for each request.

FMLA secures your position, but you won’t receive pay for this leave. You can, however, request that your employer apply accrued vacation days or paid sick days to your FMLA if they agree. This converts your unpaid FMLA leave to a paid FMLA leave.

2. How To Use FMLA for Inpatient Rehabilitation

To use FMLA for inpatient rehab, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Send a notice to your employer in writing or request it verbally.
  2. You don’t have to tell the employer exactly what you need treatment for. However, you must provide enough information for them to determine that FMLA covers the request. Failure to do so can result in denial of FMLA protection.
  3. You must make your FMLA request 30 days before entering the facility, as Cornell Law School stated.   
  4. Take the FMLA certificate to your doctor and have them fill it out, then return it to your employer.

Should an urgent situation arise, and you need inpatient care in less than 30 days, request FMLA leave as soon as possible. Your employer will consider your reasoning behind the abrupt notice. When notice isn’t given at least 30 days in advance, your employer may delay your FMLA until 30 days after you make the request.

Questions to Ask Your Rehab About the Cost

Before committing to an inpatient rehabilitation program, weigh your options. You should consider your budget, the facility’s location, and whether they offer the services you need. To help make the best decision possible, write down a list of questions about drug rehab costs and call the facility to discuss them.

The following questions are a great place to start.

1. Is There a More Affordable Location for My Treatment?

As mentioned above, location plays a huge role in how much treatment costs. Nationwide facilities like Zinnia Health offer inpatient treatment programs at various locations.

By calling ahead of time, you can discuss your treatment needs and your budget for care. The coordinator may also suggest applying for insurance or state-funded coverage to offset the costs. 

2. Are There Any Treatment Options I Could Cut Out?

If you’re concerned about the cost of inpatient rehab, ask your coordinator if there are any programs you could change or eliminate.

Some rehabilitation centers offer shorter inpatient programs, allowing you to enroll in rehab multiple times throughout the year. This is a good choice for those who can’t afford a large upfront payment.

How to Get Started with Inpatient Rehab

If you’re ready to make a significant change in your life and have a more meaningful future, inpatient rehab at a residential treatment center might be the answer.

To begin, call ahead to speak to a qualified specialist about your desire to enter rehab. Next, they’ll put you in touch with a service coordinator to go over available programs to help you meet your goals. They can also help with insurance inquiries, payment plans (if available), and FMLA information. Lastly, choose a location and facility to begin treatment. As soon as you know the start date of your treatment, tell your employer — the sooner, the better.

Zinnia Health offers treatment for alcohol addiction, substance abuse, and co-existing mental health conditions. We also provide medically-supervised detox programs and evidence-based treatment plans at our accredited inpatient facilities.

To learn how Zinnia Health and the alcoholism helpline helps thousands of people like you on their journey to a substance-free future, call us at (855) 430-9439. Our caring staff is available to answer your questions 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This call is commitment-free and confidential.

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