Substance Use

30 Day Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab Near Me

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30-Day Inpatient Drug & Alcohol Rehab Near Me

Substance abuse treatment is a highly personal journey, but there are countless reasons why people may opt for a shorter treatment option. Given the withdrawal timeline, staying for a full 30 days is often ideal, as this gives enough time for an individual to go through the withdrawal process and participate in a variety of diagnostic and therapeutic services to help them get on the path to long-term sobriety.

If you’re wondering what 30-day drug addiction treatment looks like, here’s what you need to know.

Are you or a loved one facing drug or alcohol addiction? The caring staff at Zinnia Health can help. Reach out to us today at our helpline by calling (855) 430-9439 or explore other hotlines for alcohol abuse that are available in your area.

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Is Inpatient Treatment Right for You?

Rehabilitation programs are broadly divided into two categories: inpatient and outpatient treatment. Inpatient treatment means you enroll in a facility, either a hospital or a residential treatment center, and live there.

The main benefit of inpatient treatment is that environmental triggers and pressures are removed. Additionally, you gain access to around-the-clock support services to improve your comfort.

Outpatient treatment programs, on the other hand, allow you to continue living at home. Alternatively, some people choose to live in a sober living house while attending an outpatient treatment program.

While more flexible, outpatient care requires you to transport yourself to multiple appointments each week. It can also leave you vulnerable to triggers and pressures that you may not yet be equipped to deal with, especially in the early stages of treatment.

Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer when it comes to how you seek professional treatment. However, inpatient treatment makes special accommodations to ensure your health, safety, and comfort — especially during the vital detox period when individuals are most prone to serious health risks and relapse.

If you’re still on the fence about inpatient treatment, keep reading.

Hospitalization vs. Residential Programs

Two common types of inpatient treatment include inpatient hospitalization and inpatient residential programs.

1. Inpatient Hospitalization

Inpatient hospitalization is the most intensive form of care available for someone undergoing treatment for substance use disorder. Depending on the severity of your addiction and the hospital’s facilities, you may be admitted into a special area where specific supports will be available to you.

The primary benefit of inpatient hospitalization is that you unlock 24/7 access to licensed healthcare professionals. This is especially helpful when recovering from a severe addiction or a very strong substance, such as fentanyl, as these factors put you at a greater risk of medical complications during the detox process. By being in a hospital with constant monitoring, you can protect your health.

On the other hand, the biggest downside of inpatient hospitalization is the cost. Additionally, inpatient hospitalization rarely lasts more than 30 days. In fact, you will often be discharged as soon as the withdrawal process ends, which is typically about one week after the last instance of drug use.

Fortunately, when you are ready to be discharged from an inpatient hospitalization program, your doctors can refer you to a residential treatment facility where you can carry out the rest of your addiction treatment plan. Alternatively, they may enroll you in an outpatient program if that’s the route you wish to take.

2. Residential Programs

Most people who have completed an inpatient hospital stay for addiction treatment will transition into a residential facility on the day of discharge. You can also go straight into a residential rehab center without having gone through any hospital. Like a hospital, a residential rehab facility will provide 24/7 care and support. This care may be provided by a mix of staff, so the level of medical care provided is not as intensive as it is in a hospital.

Aside from a different level of care, residential programs also differ from hospitals in that they are fully equipped to address the entire recovery journey.

Once the detox process is complete, most people will stay in the residential facility for at least two weeks, making up a full 30-day program. Of course, longer stays are an option, and you’ll work with your treatment provider to decide what’s right for you.

One consideration about residential treatment is that it’s generally more affordable than the cost of a hospital stay per day. Additionally, since residential facilities are usually privately owned, they often offer more flexible payment options.

For instance, many drug rehab centers offer financing so that you can break the cost of treatment down into affordable monthly payments.

There is a common misconception that residential facilities are not covered by insurance companies. However, as long as the facility is providing medically necessary services and those services are administered by licensed professionals, your insurance provider is obligated to cover at least some of the costs.

Before you assume that residential treatment is unaffordable or otherwise out of reach for you, it’s worth speaking to a recovery specialist at the facility of your choice.

They can answer any questions you have about insurance coverage, out-of-pocket costs, and programs that may be available to help you cover expenses.

Benefits of 30-Day Inpatient Rehab Programs

Now that you understand the difference between inpatient hospitalization and residential treatment facilities, let’s take a closer look at the benefits of enrolling in a 30-day program at a residential rehab center.

1. They’re Easier To Complete

Committing to a treatment program that’s two or three months long, or even has no definite end, is a challenge for anyone. Not only do these longer-term programs make it difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but they’re often impractical, especially for individuals who have obligations back at home.

By enrolling in a 30-day program, you’re committing to a very reasonable timeframe. It’s easy enough to look a month ahead and set aside the time to complete this program, which is what makes the success rate higher.

The great thing about enrolling in a 30-day program is that you can always extend your stay if you decide that you would like to spend more time in the residential facility. However, by avoiding that longer-term commitment at the very start, it removes many of the mental obstacles that stand in the way of you getting the help you need.

2. They’re More Focused

Shorter-term programs focus on the intense and critical weeks immediately following the withdrawal process. Because these programs are structured to be brief, you will spend a lot of time with mental health counselors to understand the triggers and factors that led to your addiction. You’ll also receive practical advice on how to cope moving forward to prevent relapse.

All of the services provided to you during the 30-day period will fixate on preparing you for you a healthier life once you leave the treatment center. They may incorporate group therapy and family therapy as well, enabling you to build a strong support network before you leave the facility. In turn, this increases your chance of maintaining sobriety.

3. They’re More Affordable

Because 30-day programs involve a shorter residential stay, the overall cost of these programs is reduced. You will get a lot of value for your money since so many services will be scheduled for your intensive 30-day treatment plan.

However, this isn’t to say that you simply stop receiving services when you complete the 30-day program.

All treatment facilities will continue to support you even once you return home, and these services are often covered under a different part of your insurance policy because they are provided on an outpatient basis. This structure helps you avoid paying more in out-of-pocket costs.

4. They’re Often Fully Covered by Insurance

Your policy may limit the number of days you can stay in a treatment center and planning around that limitation can help you get the most support without breaking your budget. For instance, original Medicare only covers all of the costs (after your deductible) for the first 60 days.

Of course, financial constraints should never prevent you from getting the care that you need. If you have questions about insurance coverage, financing, or otherwise paying for your care, make sure you speak to someone at the facility.

They’ll be able to answer your questions to ensure you can focus on your medical needs and wellness instead of your wallet.

Overcoming addiction takes time and intensive support. If you’re ready to take the next step toward recovery, Zinnia Health can help. Get answers to your questions by reaching out to our staff at (855) 430-9439.

What Happens in a 30-Day Rehab Program?

The precise structure of a 30-day rehab program varies from one individual to the next because there is no one-size-fits-all approach to substance use disorder treatment.

Based on the way in which most substances interact with the body, we can map out a general recovery timeline for an intensive 30-day program. Below is a breakdown of what to expect.

Admissions Process

The first step in a 30-day rehab program is completing the admissions process. This process involves calling or visiting the facility and speaking with a recovery specialist. Most treatment centers like Zinnia Health have a 24/7 helpline that you can call or text (you can reach ours at 855-430-9439) to get the admissions process going.

After answering any initial questions you have, the recovery specialist will take you through the following steps:

  • Collecting information about your addiction, like which substances you’re taking and when you last took those substances
  • Helping you fill out the necessary paperwork, which will ask important questions about your medical history
  • Discussing costs and payment plan options with you
  • Reviewing your options for various treatment programs, including plans of varying lengths
  • Confirming the day and time that you would like to come into the facility and arranging any necessary transportation or services for your arrival

Once the admissions process is complete, the next step is to show up and prepare for the first day of your journey to a cleaner, healthier life.

Days 1–7: Detox

Day one of your recovery journey may very well be the hardest simply because you have to overcome the mental obstacles that you will face in getting yourself to the facility and committing yourself to an addiction-free life.

Once you’re inside, you will be given a tour and shown your accommodations. You will also be introduced to the staff you’ll be working with.

The very next step is to sit down and speak with a provider about the withdrawal symptoms that you’ll likely experience over the next 7–14 days. They will answer your questions about the detox process and explain the supports that they will put in place to help you through any physical or mental symptoms you experience during that time.

The detox period is an unavoidable step in the recovery process, and it’s the period during which your body is withdrawing from whatever substances you were using. In the case of severe addictions, this withdrawal process can be very challenging and accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms like agitation, insomnia, and changes in behavior.

Fortunately, recovery centers are well-equipped to help you through whatever withdrawal symptoms you experience. Additionally, by knowing the substances that you’ve been taking, they may be able to proactively offer support, including specialized medications, to help ease you through the detox process.

All of your options will usually be discussed on day one, as that’s when you will be clear-minded and motivated. However, if you find it all to be overwhelming, just know that your providers will be happy to take you through all information they share again at a later date.

In instances of severe addictions and certain prescription drugs, withdrawal symptoms may persist for up to two weeks or more. Your providers will adjust your plan accordingly to ensure that they fully assist you through the detox process.

Generally, you won’t be asked to participate in a lot of talk therapy sessions until after the detox process is over given that withdrawal symptoms can be agitating and uncomfortable.

Days 8–15: Therapy

During the second week of addiction treatment, the emphasis may be on cognitive behavioral therapy, as well as other forms of therapy that are considered successful in addition recovery.

At this point in the process, you may learn that you have a dual diagnosis, which means your addiction may be accompanied by a mental health condition, like depression or anxiety.

Based on the findings during your cognitive behavioral therapy sessions, your treatment plan will be adjusted accordingly. However, the primary goal of this week is to help you shift your mindset and recognize what led to your addiction so that you can avoid going down the same path again.

You’ll also learn coping mechanisms that will prove invaluable, especially as you may continue to face lingering drug cravings.

Since addictions involve habitual behaviors, like routinely coming home and pouring yourself a drink or using a substance to escape social pressure, your therapist will help you find healthier alternatives for dealing with the underlying triggers of those behaviors.

They can also help you formulate ways to remove those triggers and lifestyle factors from your world completely, like by surrounding yourself with a healthy support system.

Days 16–21: Group Supports

By the start of your third week, you likely are completely free of withdrawal symptoms and find yourself with a sense of clarity and renewed motivation.

After spending a great deal of time in personal reflection and speaking with your behavioral therapist, you likely have a deeper understanding than ever before about why you became addicted and what you can do to avoid such a situation again.

It’s at this point in the process that you will begin participating more in group activities, including talk therapy. This is also when family members and friends are sometimes brought into the conversation so that you can begin strengthening relationships and preparing yourself to return home successfully.

If you don’t have a healthy support network, you will be connected to support groups through the facility that you can begin participating in as soon as you complete your treatment plan. They may also provide referrals to resources like halfway houses and other counselors or therapists.

Days 22–29: Goal Planning

The final week of your 30-day rehab program will be spent prepping you for a healthy, happy, addiction-free life. This might involve skills training, occupational therapy, and goal-setting.

Depending on the goals you set for yourself with the help of your team, they may connect you with career counseling, employment programs, volunteer opportunities, or other resources outside of the rehab center.

Your providers should also begin putting additional treatment services in place, like text support, to help you stay on track after you leave the facility. This final week is when you have the opportunity to solidify the habits you’d like to sustain and create before you begin transitioning back home.

Day 30: Discharge

One short month after you found your way to the treatment center, you will be packing your belongings and returning home with a new sense of pride and confidence in yourself. While it may be an emotional moment, it’s helpful to remember that you aren’t saying goodbye.

All of the connections you have made at the facility can continue to be reached through text support, and you may also be able to continue with them in outpatient treatment to ease the transition.

Transitional Outpatient Programs

A fantastic way to support your continued success following a 30-day rehab program is to enroll in transitional services. This is an option that your team will discuss with you throughout the course of your stay as they learn more about you and your situation.

If there are still tensions at home, your team may suggest that returning to that environment right away isn’t ideal for your recovery journey. Instead, they may recommend moving into recovery housing, which is a safe, sober, transitional environment where you can live for a few weeks or months until you have a safe home environment to call your own.

In addition to helping you find safe and appropriate housing, the staff at the residential treatment center can introduce you to outpatient recovery programs that are available to you, which is one excellent option if you wish to continue treatment but are constrained by your health insurance coverage.

These outpatient programs may be through the same facility or a different provider.

Ultimately, the discharge process from a 30-day program looks as different for everyone as the day of admission does. Working closely with the caring team that you’ve gotten to know so well will help you prepare for success.

Aftercare Programs

In addition or as an alternative to transitional programs, facilities should always offer aftercare support. At the very least, this should include a 24/7 helpline that you can call or text if you find yourself dealing with distress, cravings, or triggers.

Ideally, it will involve your favorite providers continuing to follow up with you both on a scheduled basis and at random intervals in between.

Continuing to work with a support group in some form can also be invaluable as sharing experiences with others who are facing similar challenges to you can truly help you gain strength and perspective.

Likewise, immersing yourself in new hobbies completely unrelated to recovery can help you expand your support network and avoid relapse.

Since your aftercare plan is such an important element in ensuring your success, it should actually be one of the first things that you inquire about before choosing a facility.

Get Help With a 30-Day Inpatient Rehab Today

At Zinnia Health, we believe everyone deserved personalized treatment delivered in a caring, confidential, judgment-free environment. Our team is passionate about helping those suffering from addiction renew their passions and find freedom through proven therapies and state-of-the-art facilities.

When you choose to heal with us, you can expect:

  • A holistic approach to your wellness
  • Customized treatment options
  • Personal dedication to your success
  • Extensive aftercare support

If you’re looking for more information, speak to the experienced recovery specialists at Zinnia Health. We believe in offering caring, personalized support in a judgment-free environment. Plus, our helpline is open 24/7. Dial (855) 430-9439 to get started.

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