Substance Use

Inpatient Alcohol Rehab

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Inpatient Rehab for Alcoholism

There are many options to choose from when looking for the best treatment for substance use disorder. The primary treatment types are inpatient and outpatient drug and alcohol rehab. Inpatient alcohol rehab is a type of treatment where the patient remains at the facility for the duration of treatment. 

Outpatient alcohol rehab offers a treatment plan where the patient does not stay overnight at the facility but instead comes in for regular appointments and then returns home.

While each individual is different and will respond to treatment differently, an inpatient alcohol rehab center is often considered the more intensive treatment as the patient can focus on their recovery without distractions. In addition, inpatient alcohol rehab provides around-the-clock care and support from medical staff, which can benefit those struggling with severe alcoholism.

If you have private insurance or insurance coverage from Medicare, Medicaid, or TRICARE, then most of your alcohol or drug addiction treatment costs should be covered by various insurance plans. However, you must confirm with your insurance provider about the details of in-network treatment centers.

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Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)

Alcohol Use Disorder is a severe and chronic disease characterized by an inability to control one’s drinking. (1)

For some individuals, this can mean drinking more alcohol than intended or drinking alcohol despite adverse consequences, such as serious health problems, including:

  • Liver damage
  • Heart disease
  • Mental health issues
  • Pancreatitis
  • Increased risk of developing certain types of cancer (1)

What Is Inpatient Alcohol Rehab?

Inpatient alcohol rehab is a type of treatment where the patient remains at the facility, anywhere from 30 days to 90 days or more. During this time, patients will participate in various therapies and activities to help them recover from alcoholism.

One of the advantages of inpatient rehab centers is that they allow patients to focus on their recovery without distractions. This is because they cannot leave the facility and are not exposed to triggers that could cause them to drink. 

In addition, inpatient rehab programs provide around-the-clock care and support from medical staff, which can benefit those struggling with severe alcoholism.

Advantages of Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs

Recovering from alcohol addiction often involves important decisions about the type of treatment that will best support an individual’s process.

Inpatient alcohol addiction treatment programs offer a structured and immersive approach, providing individuals with various advantages that contribute to a supportive recovery experience.

1. Structured Environment

Inpatient programs provide a highly structured environment, offering a daily schedule of therapeutic activities, counseling sessions, and support groups. This framework aids people in setting up consistent routines and centering their attention on the healing process. 

Moreover, the regularity of a daily timetable cultivates an atmosphere of steadiness and assurance, which are crucial components for those dealing with the complexities of overcoming alcohol dependence.

Individuals find a solid foundation upon which they can build their journey toward recovery, making each day’s predictability a beacon of hope amidst the turbulence of addiction.

2. 24/7 Supervision

Inpatient centers have healthcare workers there all the time to watch over patients. This means if something urgent happens, like a bad reaction or feeling really upset, help is right there. Having these careful healthcare workers around makes the place safe and calming.

It helps both the person getting treatment and their family feel better during the tough first part of getting better.

3. Medical Monitoring

Inpatient programs include medical monitoring to address physical health issues related to alcohol addiction. This ensures that any health complications during detox or recovery are promptly identified and treated.

Regular medical assessments not only contribute to the overall well-being of individuals but also provide a proactive approach to managing any potential health risks associated with alcohol withdrawal.

4. Intensive Therapy

Inpatient care usually means a lot of one-on-one and group talks. This helps people understand why they started using substances in the first place, learn ways to deal with tough situations, and lay down a solid base for staying better in the long run.

Being in such a focused setting helps people think more about themselves and get better at handling things, making their journey to getting better more successful.

5. Peer Support

Being in a residential setting with others facing similar challenges provides a supportive community. Peer support is invaluable for individuals to share experiences, offer encouragement, and foster a sense of camaraderie.

The shared journey with peers creates a unique bond, promoting mutual understanding and motivation to overcome the hurdles of alcohol addiction.

6. Access to Diverse Therapies

Inpatient programs often offer a variety of therapeutic approaches, including:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Holistic treatments (2) (3)

This diversity allows for a personalized treatment plan tailored to individual needs. The incorporation of various therapeutic modalities ensures a comprehensive approach that addresses the multifaceted aspects of alcohol addiction.

7. Prevention of Relapse

With continuous supervision and a controlled environment, inpatient programs minimize the risk of relapse during the critical early stages of recovery. This helps individuals build resilience and coping mechanisms before transitioning to less intensive care.

The emphasis on relapse prevention strategies equips individuals with the tools needed to navigate challenges and maintain sobriety in the long term.

8. Family Involvement

Many inpatient programs involve family therapy sessions, providing a platform for open communication and healing within the family unit.

Family involvement can enhance the overall support system for the individual. Including family in the treatment process fosters understanding, rebuilds relationships, and strengthens the foundation of support essential for sustained recovery.

9. Education and Skill Building

Inpatient programs often include educational components that help individuals understand the nature of addiction, triggers, and relapse prevention strategies.

Skill-building sessions equip individuals with tools for managing life stressors without resorting to alcohol use. The educational focus empowers individuals with knowledge, fostering a sense of control and self-efficacy in their journey toward recovery.

10. Post-Treatment Planning

Inpatient programs usually help you make a plan for after you leave, like advice on how to keep going strong, where to find support groups, and tips for staying away from alcohol for good. This full plan helps people stay on track even after they’re done with the in-stay part of their treatment.

Focusing on what comes next makes it easier for folks to move forward without stumbling, giving them a clear guide on how to keep making progress and getting better.

Understanding these benefits can help people and their families decide if an inpatient program is the right choice for tackling alcohol addiction. These programs look at all parts of addiction to offer a well-rounded way of getting better that really works.

Types of Inpatient Alcohol Drug Rehab Programs

Inpatient alcohol drug rehab programs have different kinds, all made to meet the unique needs and wants of people looking for help. Residential Treatment Centers (RTC) are very organized places that watch over you all day and night, giving you lots of therapy and medical help.

Hospital-based inpatient programs are there for folks with really tough addiction issues or those who need a lot of medical care while they’re getting clean. They mix medical treatment with help for addiction. Long-term residential programs let people stay longer, giving them more time to be part of a caring group.

Luxury or executive inpatient programs give extra nice things and special services so people can recover in comfort and privacy if they want more ease during their recovery. Picking the right inpatient program means thinking about what you need personally, how serious your addiction is, and what kind of place or extras you prefer.

Is Inpatient Alcohol Rehab The Choice for Me?

Determining whether inpatient alcohol rehab is the right choice involves considering various factors related to an individual’s specific needs and circumstances. 

Here are some key considerations when evaluating the suitability of inpatient alcohol rehab:

Severity of Alcohol Dependence

Individuals with severe alcohol addiction or repeated relapses in outpatient settings often find inpatient rehab recommended. If alcohol dependence significantly impairs daily functioning, inpatient care may provide necessary intensive support. (4)

This level of care ensures a structured environment where individuals can focus on recovery without the challenges faced in daily life, increasing the likelihood of successful outcomes.

Co-Occurring Mental Health Issues

In cases of both alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental health issues, inpatient rehab offers integrated treatment for comprehensive care. (5)

Mental health professionals in inpatient facilities address both substance use and underlying mental health conditions simultaneously. This dual-focus approach enhances the effectiveness of treatment, as it recognizes and treats the interconnected nature of addiction and mental health issues. (5)

History of Unsuccessful Outpatient Treatment

Those with a history of unsuccessful attempts at outpatient treatment may benefit from the structured, controlled environment of inpatient rehab.

Constant supervision in inpatient care minimizes the risk of relapse during the critical early stages of recovery. This heightened level of support provides individuals with a greater chance to break the cycle of addiction and establish a solid foundation for long-term sobriety.

Need for Controlled and Supportive Environment

For those facing challenges in maintaining sobriety due to environmental triggers or lack of support at home, the controlled environment of inpatient rehab is beneficial.

The supportive community within inpatient facilities fosters a sense of accountability and encouragement. This sense of community helps individuals develop coping strategies and build a strong support network for continued recovery post-treatment.

Access to Comprehensive Treatment Programs

Inpatient alcohol rehab programs typically offer a comprehensive range of therapeutic interventions, including individual counseling, group therapy, medical monitoring, and holistic approaches.

The immersive nature of inpatient care allows individuals to focus solely on their recovery without external distractions. This comprehensive approach addresses various aspects of addiction, promoting a more well-rounded and effective recovery experience.

Desire for Around-the-Clock Support

Inpatient rehab provides 24/7 support and supervision, addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. Constant availability of healthcare professionals ensures timely intervention in case of emergencies or medical concerns.

This continuous support helps individuals navigate the challenges of withdrawal, mental health issues, and cravings, contributing to a safer and more comfortable recovery process.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

Consulting with healthcare professionals or addiction specialists is necessary in determining the most suitable treatment plan based on an individual’s unique situation.

Professionals assess specific needs, preferences, and challenges, guiding individuals toward the most effective and personalized recovery path. This collaborative approach ensures that the chosen treatment aligns with the individual’s goals and maximizes the chances of successful and lasting recovery.

Hospital Based Rehab

Hospital-based inpatient alcohol rehab programs are typically shorter in duration, as they are designed for patients who require a higher level of medical care.

The length of stay for hospitalization programs varies between 7 and 10 days. Patients in hospital-based programs will receive 24-hour care from medical staff and participate in intensive therapies and activities.

Residential Based Recovery Center

Residential inpatient alcohol rehab programs are typically longer, as they are designed for patients who do not require intensive medical care.

These programs usually last between 30 and 90 days. Patients in residential programs will receive around-the-clock supervision and support from medical specialists, counselors and other staff members.

They will also participate in various activities designed to help them recover from alcohol-related mental health conditions while improving their behavioral health.

Inpatient Alcohol Addiction Treatment Programs

If you decide that inpatient alcohol rehab is the best option for you, there are some typical steps that you can expect to go through during substance abuse treatment.

Step 1. Initial Evaluation

The first step in the inpatient alcohol rehab process is an initial evaluation. During this evaluation, a healthcare provider will ask questions about your medical history, drinking habits, and any drug abuse problems you may have. They will also perform a physical examination.

This evaluation is essential to develop an alcohol and drug addiction treatment program that is tailored to your specific needs.

Step 2. Detoxification

The next step in the inpatient alcohol rehab process is detoxification. You must completely stop drinking alcohol to detoxify your body. This can be difficult and uncomfortable, but it is necessary to start the recovery process. Medical detox is designed by your treatment provider in a way that ensures your wellness and prevents relapse.

During alcohol detox, medical staff will closely monitor you, and you may be given medications to help manage alcohol abuse withdrawal symptoms.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol withdrawal typically occurs when you have strong alcohol dependence. One of the most significant benefits of an inpatient program is the around-the-clock care and support you will receive. (6

This is especially important when it comes to managing alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Alcohol withdrawal can be mentally and physically challenging, but treatments and therapies can help make the process more bearable.

In some cases, medication-assisted treatment may be necessary. (7)

Step 3. Treatment

After you have detoxified your body, you will begin inpatient alcohol treatment. Many treatment options are available, with different levels of care based on your individual needs. 

Here are some of the most common substance abuse treatment options:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps you identify and change the thoughts and behaviors that contribute to your drinking problem. This is achieved by having multiple therapy sessions with a counselor. In each session, you will discuss your drinking habits and any problems. (8)

You will also work on developing new coping skills to deal with triggers and cravings.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical behavior therapy teaches the patient two primary skills: acceptance and change. Many people suffering from addiction have difficulty accepting their problem, and DBT helps the patient accept their situation and work towards change simultaneously. (9)

This type of therapy often uses group sessions in addition to individual sessions.

Family Therapy

Since alcoholism often affects more than just the individual, family therapy can be essential to treatment. In family therapy sessions, you will discuss how alcoholism has affected your relationships, and you will also work on developing new communication and conflict-resolution skills. 

This type of therapy can benefit the patient and their loved ones.

Group Therapy

Support groups are one of the most common steps in alcohol addiction recovery. In group therapy sessions, you will share your stories and experiences with others going through similar things. 

This can be a valuable way to gain support and perspective and help you feel less alone in your recovery journey.

Step 4. Aftercare

After you have completed an inpatient treatment program, you will need to continue your long-term recovery journey by participating in an aftercare program.

Aftercare programs can include outpatient treatment, sober living houses, 12-step programs, alcoholics anonymous, and more. Aftercare aims to help you transition back into everyday life and avoid relapse.

Inpatient alcohol rehab can be challenging, but it is also essential to recovering from alcoholism. By following the steps above, you can give yourself the best chance at a successful recovery.

Overcoming Alcohol Addiction

If you or someone you know are struggling with alcohol addiction, inpatient alcohol rehab can be an effective treatment option. One of the most challenging parts of overcoming addiction is accepting that you have a problem. Often, an intervention from family and friends can help someone become willing to accept treatment. (10

Once you have decided to get help, the next step is to choose an alcohol treatment center. Zinnia Health provides evidence-based treatment to help you gain the tools you need to overcome alcohol addiction. Contact us through our 24/7 helpline at (855) 430-9439 to begin your recovery journey or call the alcohol abuse hotline to get immediate assistance with your addiction. 


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