Meth Withdrawal, Duration, and Clearing Your System of Meth
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive stimulant that is extremely powerful. Meth users sometimes exhibit side effects for up to 12 hours.
However, while you may no longer feel the effects of meth after that period, it’s important to note that the drug and its metabolites are still in your body.
This is why meth use can sometimes be detected in your body for months after your last dose.
Addiction can be scary, but you don’t have to face it alone. If you’re ready to start your journey to recovery, Zinnia Health can help. Call us today at (855) 430-9439 for more information.

How Long Does Meth Stay in the Body?
When you take a substance like meth, your body immediately breaks it down into individual compounds. During the initial processing period, you’ll experience a “high” sensation as various compounds enter your bloodstream and interact with your central nervous system.
These initial effects tend to fade after about 12 hours, but the half-life of meth can be up to 15 hours, which means it takes that long for your body to rid itself of just half the dose.
The total amount of time meth will stay in your system depends on several factors, including your body mass, age, and how much you took.
You also need to factor in your body’s metabolites from processing meth. Specific metabolites can be linked to meth use, and they can stay in the system for months after your last meth dose.
How to Get Meth Out of Your System
The process is known as detoxification if you are trying to get meth and all of the related metabolites out of your system.
Your body will begin the excretion process shortly after your last dose of meth, but it could take up to four days before all signs of a stimulant drug like meth have been cleared out of your system.
This means you can pass a drug test (other than a hair test) in as little as four days after your last use, but that doesn’t mean you’ve recovered from substance abuse.
Like all addicting substances, a meth detox comes with unavoidable withdrawal symptoms that can be mentally and physically uncomfortable.
If you or a loved one is trying to recover from substance use, it’s critical to recognize the various challenges associated with overcoming drug addiction because they take far more than four days to beat.
In reality, while the detoxification process may only take 3-4 days, the psychological recovery can last two weeks or more.
Meth Withdrawal Symptoms
Meth is a powerful, highly addicting stimulant. This means quitting meth can lead to side effects that are both uncomfortable and potentially dangerous, such as:
- Dry mouth
- Loss of appetite and weight loss
- Insomnia and disturbed sleep
- Low energy
- Headaches
- Loss of motivation
- Muscle spasms
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Hallucinations
- Depression
Can Meth Use Be Detected on a Drug Test?
If you are asked to take a drug test, the test will check for various metabolites that signal drug use, including those related to meth.
Chronic use of meth will lead to a build-up of metabolites in your system, which means you may test positive for a longer period after going without meth.
In general, you can expect signs of meth abuse to show on tests for this long:
- Blood tests will show meth use for 1-3 days after your last dose
- Urine tests will show meth use for up to 3 days after your last dose
- Saliva tests will show meth use for up to 4 days after your last dose
- Hair tests will show meth use for up to 90 days after your last dose
Are you looking for help overcoming addiction? Get in touch with the caring experts here at Zinnia Health. You can reach us anytime at our 24/7 hotline by dialing (855) 430-9439.
Get Meth Out of Your System with Detox and Treatment
When dealing with any drug addiction, it’s crucial to understand that recovery impacts both the mind and body, which is why partnering with trusted medical professionals is the best way forward. The top treatment options for overcoming meth addiction include:
- Inpatient treatment at a hospital, which can carry out a medical detox supported by licensed providers. This is considered the most intensive treatment program.
- Inpatient treatment at a residential treatment center where you’ll get 24/7 support from a mix of licensed and non-licensed professionals. This is considered one of the most customized treatment options.
- Outpatient treatment, where you continue living at home and attend multiple appointments each week with accredited providers, is a good choice if you have a strong support system around you or have a less severe meth addiction.
There’s no right or wrong answer regarding recovering from meth addiction. What’s important is that you partner with a team of caring professionals who will design a customized treatment plan around your unique needs.
How Zinnia Health Can Help With Meth Addiction
Quitting meth on your own, especially after long-term use, can feel impossible due to the intense cravings that come along with withdrawal.
However, this doesn’t mean you have to live with a substance use disorder.
Detox programs support you through this challenging process and help you get through to the other side in a confidential, judgment-free setting. You just need to find the right rehab center to meet your needs.
When you’re ready to start your recovery journey, get in touch with a free meth addiction hotline. You can reach our free helpline anytime, day or night, by calling our team at (855) 430-9439. We’re standing by to answer your confidential questions.
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