The use and abuse of methamphetamine is increasing among many individuals living in the United States. In a 2017 survey, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration or SAMHSA reported that 1.6 million people (or 0.6% of the population) reported using methamphetamine within the last year. If you or a loved one is grappling with methamphetamine use, there is hope, and there are many pathways you can follow to achieve and maintain recovery from addiction.
Remember, it is in your best interest to seek help or guidance from trained health professionals at a trusted treatment center when it comes to detox and recovery. Read on to learn more about methamphetamine use, how long the drug stays in your urine, and the steps you can take when seeking treatment for drug addiction.

When Does Meth First Appear in Urine?
Methamphetamine appears in the urine two to five hours after use.
A blood test for methamphetamine can show the presence of meth two hours after first using it.
A saliva test can test positive for methamphetamine within 10 minutes of use. The human body usually expels 50 percent of the drug within 12 hours of consuming the drug.
How Long Does Meth Stay in Urine?
Methamphetamine can show up in an individual’s urine as long as one week after the last dose of the drug if they are a heavy meth user. However, the typical urine test can detect methamphetamine for up to 3 to 5 days after taking the last dose.
Methamphetamine is metabolized to amphetamine, so an individual tested for methamphetamine use will usually test positive for both methamphetamine and amphetamine.
Typically, a urine test shows a higher concentration of methamphetamine than other forms of testing because the metabolites are eliminated through urine. The liver helps break down the drug, and the kidneys excrete it through urine.
The time the drug is detectable in the urine depends on several factors such as the frequency of use, size of the dose, metabolic rate, age and overall health of the user, body mass, amount of physical activity, drug tolerance, and pH level in the urine. The quantity and frequency of use are significant factors in how long it takes a person to metabolize the drug from their system.
An individual in good overall health will be able to rid themselves of the substance faster than a less healthy individual. A younger person generally has a higher metabolism rate than an older person, and thus, they can metabolize the drug out of their system faster.
Some other drugs can produce a false positive test, including some over-the-counter medications such as antihistamines, nasal inhalers, and cold medicines containing pseudoephedrine.
What is Methamphetamine?
According to the United States Drug Enforcement Administration, Methamphetamine is a highly addictive synthetic stimulant drug that affects the central nervous system. It was derived from the drug amphetamine and created similar effects in a person’s body but is far more potent than amphetamine.
Methamphetamine was created in Japan in 1919 and was in wide use during World War II when both sides used the drug to keep their troops awake and alert. In the 1950s, methamphetamine was prescribed by doctors to use as diet aids to lose weight, treat narcolepsy, treat asthma, and treat depression.
The prescription form of methamphetamine is Desoxyn. It was also used at this time by people who needed to stay awake and alert for long periods. As the usage became more pronounced and injectable methamphetamine became more available, people were abusing the medication leading to the US government making it illegal and classifying it as a Class II substance in 1970.
Today, methamphetamine is the second most popular illicit drug in the world, only second to marijuana. Methamphetamine can be made from relatively inexpensive products. It is highly addictive due to the euphoric long-lasting high that it creates, and the user keeps trying to match that first euphoric high, increasing the amount each time to do so.
Methamphetamine can also be ingested in many ways, from taking the stimulant orally, injecting, smoking, or snorting the drug, depending on the intensity the user is trying to achieve or based on the user’s habit. It takes around 15 to 20 minutes for the drug to create the euphoric effect by ingesting it orally, whereas it only takes 3 to 5 minutes if snorting the drug.
Both ingesting the drug and snorting the drug produces a longer-lasting high than when smoking or injecting the drug. Smoking or injecting the drug causes the drug to reach the brain very quickly, creating a very intense, rapturous sensation.
According to Medline Plus, Methamphetamine has several common names and street names for this drug. Some common names that people use are crank, meth, and speed. Street names used are:
- Beanies
- Chicken feed
- Ice
- Crystal
- Tina
- Crink
- Crypto
- Getgo
- Mexican crack
- Redneck cocaine
- Tick tick
- Tock
- Cinnamon
- Chalk
Methamphetamine, besides being very addictive, is also illegal and is considered a Schedule II substance under the Controlled Substances Act. A Schedule II drug has a high probability of abuse and can lead to psychological and physical dependence on the drug.
Common Side Effects of Meth Use
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, Methamphetamine effects can last in the system anywhere from 8 hours to 24 hours after taking the drug, depending on the method you use to administer the drug, the amount taken, and how well the person’s kidneys and liver are functioning. The drug was created and used for people with narcolepsy, people with ADHD, and for people trying to lose weight.
People often use methamphetamine to reduce their inhibitions or increase their confidence levels, manage mental health issues, or stay awake and alert and be productive for long periods. It is also often used for weight loss.
If these side effects were the only issues with this drug, it would be a powerful remedy to lose weight, be efficient, stay awake for long periods, and be confident. However, there are many short-term side effects and long-term side effects from methamphetamines, and most of these are very unpleasant and dangerous to your overall health.
Short Term Side Effects
- Loss of appetite
- Increased heart rate, higher body temperature, and high blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Hyperthermia
- Increased activity-lots of energy
- Excitement
- Nausea
- Erratic behavior, sometimes resulting in violent behavior
- Panic
- Psychosis
- Irritability
- Dry mouth
- Trouble sleeping
- Increased libido
- Sensations of itching or muscle spasms
- Convulsions
- Seizures
Long Term Side Effects
- Organ damage, especially to the liver, kidneys, and lungs
- Tooth decay
- Malnutrition or severe weight loss
- Depression
- Brain damage resulting in short term memory issues
- Inability to concentrate
- Sores or abscesses on the skin
- Stroke
- Epilepsy
- Psychosis
- Addiction
Why a Treatment Center is Essential to Recovery
If you or a loved one is suffering from methamphetamine addiction, seeking professional help from a reputable treatment center is vital.
Methamphetamine use and addiction is a difficult cycle to break. The addictive properties associated with meth are linked to dopamine, a chemical in the brain that helps human beings feel good by interacting with our brain’s pleasure and reward center. It interacts with other chemicals in the brain, such as serotonin, oxytocin, and endorphins, to affect our feeling of contentment or happiness.
Dopamine is often referred to as a chemical messenger because it sends messages to your nervous system. Your nervous system uses it to transmit messages between nerve cells. Dopamine helps to control motivation, desire, and cravings. When high levels of dopamine are released in the body, it can cause feelings of elation or bliss.
Therefore, exposure to substances, such as meth, that increase dopamine production in the body can become highly addictive and becomes a difficult cycle to stop. However, it can be done with focused support, encouragement, medications, and treatment.
It is not a process to tackle without professional help, as the withdrawal symptoms can be challenging to handle. An individual who is trying to stop using methamphetamine can have severe withdrawal symptoms such as:
- Anxiety
- Tremors
- Depression
- Suicidal thoughts
- Trouble sleeping
- Hallucinations
- Lack of motivation
- Decreased sex drive
- Paranoia
- Agitation
- Fever
- Nausea
- Low energy and fatigue
These often are worse within the first 24 to 48 hours of stopping usage but can last for months. This is why it is essential to get the professional help needed to stop using meth and treat the addiction so a successful recovery is possible.
How Zinnia Health Can Help
If you or a loved one have currently tested positive for methamphetamine and are seeing the adverse effects that methamphetamine is having on your personal life or your career and you want to stop using it, there is hope. Your road to recovery is waiting to begin at one of Zinnia Health’s treatment facilities.
At Zinnia Health, we know and understand the struggles of drug usage, drug addiction, and recovery. Our qualified and professional staff will be there to help you or a loved one through the difficult journey of withdrawal, treating the addiction, and understanding the process of recovery.
Zinnia Health staff members are available any time, day or night, to assist you or your loved one through the difficult journey of drug addiction recovery. Call us at (855) 430-9439 to learn more about our locations and services.
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