Substance Use

Cocaine Use and Financial Cost

cocaine bag and lines with money

Cocaine Abuse and Spending Money

Cocaine is an illicit drug that is widely used by many to create a euphoric high. People widely misuse this central nervous system stimulant. They either use it in its original powder form or mixed into rock form, widely known as crack. The scientific name for cocaine is benzoylmethylecgonine.

Powder cocaine is an expensive drug. Crack cocaine is typically much cheaper, but causes drug binges and massive money loss. Additionally, overspending while high on cocaine is a problem for many.

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Financial Difficulties With Cocaine Abuse

Anyone currently using cocaine, whether it’s time to time or regularly, often wonders if they spend too much money on the drug. Because cocaine is usually illegal to have, it can also prove dangerous to one’s health; any money spent on the drug is too much.

Over time, users can spend most of their income on acquiring and using this drug, which can prove financially crippling. Many users who find themselves addicted to cocaine take part in risky or illegal activities to get more drugs.

This process poses a threat to the person’s well-being. Users find themselves caught up in a harmful lifestyle that creates problems in both the short and long term. 

Medical bills, legal issues, and cocaine abuse treatment all cost money that many people will find difficulty affording, especially if they do not have good health insurance coverage, family support, and FMLA or PTO for job leave.

1. Cocaine’s Effects on the Body

People who begin to use cocaine regularly are at a high risk of developing medical conditions and complications. The user doesn’t even need to use cocaine very frequently to have some noticeable effects on their health and well-being. Some short-term complications can include the following:

  • Nosebleeds
  • Altered sleep patterns
  • Mood changes
  • Overdose risks

Those who regularly use cocaine or begin to use it more than occasionally may notice the following side effects: 

  • Weight loss
  • Stroke
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Nose collapse
  • Shrinking brain size
  • Gastrointestinal disease

While not everyone develops some condition or side effect from cocaine use right away, the chance increases over time. Some things to know about long-term cocaine use include the risk for permanent cognitive defects. They may appear as memory issues, slowed reaction times, attention issues, and shrinkage of brain matter.

Those who use cocaine are at a higher risk of contracting diseases related to using needles. They may also get a disease from coming into contact with other people’s body fluids. There are additional effects on the body’s organs for long-term users. They might develop respiratory defects, cardiovascular damage, and an increased risk for medical emergency events like a stroke or heart attack. 

Anyone currently using cocaine should quit right away to avoid these potential health risks. If you or someone you know develops a cocaine addiction or has an increased dependency on the drug, it’s time to get help to quit.

2. Risk for Multiple Drug Dependencies

Another big problem for people who use cocaine is the high risk of developing multiple dependencies. These dependencies usually involve prescription drug abuse or illegal drugs. That’s because the side effects of cocaine interrupt the daily lives of the users. One good example is sleep cycles. People on cocaine rarely sleep, or they don’t sleep well.

The lack of rest over time has profound effects on a user’s mind and body. To combat this lack of sleep, they may turn to other drugs such as prescription sleep medication. They may use marijuana, alcohol, or any other depressant to counteract the stimulant effect of cocaine too. There’s also the problem of paranoia and excitability. Many turn to prescription drugs such as Xanax or Percocet to ease these uncomfortable side effects.

3. Legal Issues

People who use cocaine regularly have a higher instance of running into legal troubles. Whether they only use the drug or begin selling it, the likelihood of arrest for possession or use while operating machinery is greater. It’s important to know that people arrested for possession or distribution of drugs can face lifelong impacts.

On average, the typical sentence for someone convicted of possessing a small amount of cocaine for personal use is one year. Some states give a stiffer sense for those caught with crack rather than powder cocaine. Extended sentences occur if the person receives a charge of intent to distribute. 

The cocaine habit isn’t the only reason this drug is financially draining. When long-time users or new users in an unfortunate situation get arrested, they can have many legal fees and fines. This is besides the time they will spend serving their sentence.

The best course of action is to seek treatment before the person has a legal consequence. It’s crucial if the user already has previous charges on their record and wants to avoid a heavy prison sentence.

Starting the recovery process is as simple as reaching out to a qualified organization like Zinnia Health. They can help begin the process of admission into treatment. The goal is to allow the user to rid themselves of addiction and the potential burden of legal problems.

4. Seeking Treatment

If you are someone who needs treatment or help to quit a substance like cocaine, you’ll want to have all the information and details. The information helps you feel better about the process and reduce anxiety and stress. One of the primary reasons people avoid treatment is fear of the unknown.

Giving up a drug is hard enough, but combining that task with staying in an unfamiliar environment can be intimidating. Better educating yourself on what to expect helps you seek treatment and reduces anxiety about the process. If you know someone who currently uses cocaine and want to approach them with options for quitting the drug, be sure to have all the details you need to give them.

It’s important to have a sympathetic and understanding approach to the situation. You’ll be more successful, and the person will be more likely to open up and be honest about their drug use. They are usually more receptive to the possibility of treatment to quit when you use compassion rather than confrontation.

Choosing a Cocaine Abuse Treatment Center

Deciding to get help is a major step toward recovery. When a person is ready to get help, they also need to find a treatment center geared to their needs that helps them with tailored services to make the process easier and faster. One top place to get more information on a treatment center that specializes in cocaine addiction is Zinnia Health.

Working with our team of experts is quick and easy. All the person needs to do is make a single phone call to us, and we’ll begin the admissions process right over the phone. We streamlined our process to make it as easy and effective as possible.

1. Working With Zinnia Health

Treatment begins with a phone call to Zinnia Health. Our experts are standing by when you’re ready to start the process of admissions. We don’t want anyone to wait for treatment. Time is often of the essence, and the user may hit rock bottom and need help right away.

We carefully collect only the essential details about the patient during the initial phone call. The goal is to collect the information vital to placing the person at the right facility that suits their individual needs. We collect medical information, a brief history of current drug use, and insurance details on the first call.

Once we have the insurance information for the person seeking treatment, we process it. This helps speed up the process and minimizes the time it takes for them to be on their way to getting help. When admissions take too long, sometimes the person needing help changes their mind. That’s why the journey begins right away.

Our caring and trained staff provide the detail of the treatment facility. Then transportation begins shortly after the call to Zinnia Health. As experts in treatment, we know that making patients comfortable is important. If they feel relaxed during the transportation process, they are more likely to stay on track and avoid hesitation.

We assign a professional counselor to the patient as they embark on their treatment facility journey. This person is a source of support and security for the person entering treatment. If they have any problems or issues along the way, they can contact this person to get help.

2. Arriving at the Facility

Once the person arrives at their facility, they are greeted by caring staff who help them settle in. They arrange for a meeting with the doctors and counselors on staff to assess the situation. They also provide details relating to their stay. Once they collect the details, the patient begins undergoing a specialized treatment plan. These plans help them quit in a safe and controlled environment.

Spending Too Much Money Due to Cocaine Addiction? Get Help Today

The cost of a cocaine addiction is financial, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. But you are not alone, and help is available.

Now is the time to reach out to Zinnia Health to begin the process of treatment so users can get control of their lives. We have professionals standing by, ready to help with friendly and compassionate services.

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