Substance Use

Tuinal Use Disorder Treatment

red and blue capsule pills

Treatment for Tuinal use disorder typically involves a combination of medical intervention, therapy, and support services tailored to the individual’s needs. Medical detoxification, inpatient, or outpatient, may be necessary to manage withdrawal symptoms safely. Once this is complete, ongoing monitoring and medication-assisted treatment is expected.

Behavioral health therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or motivational interviewing, can help address underlying issues contributing to Tuinal use and develop coping strategies for relapse prevention. (1

Support groups and peer support networks can provide additional encouragement and accountability throughout recovery.

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What Is Tuinal?

Tuinal is the trade name for a barbiturate that comprises two chemicals: amobarbital sodium and secobarbital sodium. Eli Lilly developed the drug in the 1940s and initially marketed it as a sedative medication. (2) (3)

In the following years, some doctors prescribed Tuinal to help with insomnia. People also started using the drug for recreational purposes, as it created a strong sense of relaxation. (3)

How Tuinal Works

Tuinal is similar to most other barbiturates and works as a central nervous system depressant. The drug interacts with a naturally occurring neurotransmitter in the body called gamma-amino-butyric acid (GABA). (3)(4) GABA calms the body by reducing excitability in the brain cells.

Barbiturates like Tuinal enhance the effects of GABA, which calms, relaxes, and sedates the person taking it. Veterinarians sometimes use barbiturates to put animals to sleep. (4)

People who have problems with anxiety or trouble sleeping will find drugs like Tuinal helpful as they ease their symptoms. However, there are significant risks to taking Tuinal, especially long-term.

Tuinal is listed as a Schedule II substance by the United States Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA). These types of drugs have a high tendency for illicit use or physical and psychological dependency. As they are considered dangerous, they should only be used with a prescription and on a short-term basis. (5

Other examples of Schedule II substances include cocaine, fentanyl, and Buprenorphine/Naltrexone. It is illegal to take these drugs without a medical prescription.

Common Side Effects of Tuinal Usage

Many modern physicians no longer use Tuinal, but it is still available as secobarbital capsules. Doctors usually only prescribe Tuinal on a short-term basis, such as sedating a patient before surgery or supporting someone with chronic insomnia. (6)

The main issue is that if someone is prescribed Tuinal, they need to be closely monitored for side effects and usage. It should only be prescribed by a medical practitioner and never obtained without a legal prescription. (7)

If Tuinal is used excessively or long-term, it can cause significant side effects. Doctors who have patients on barbiturate-type sedatives need to monitor the number of prescriptions made and the frequency of requests. (7) They also need to review these patients regularly to check for signs of dependence.

Commonly observed side effects of Tuinal include: (7)

  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Depression or other mood disorders
  • Stomach upsets such as diarrhea or nausea
  • Drowsiness
  • Bruising on parts of the body due to the effects the drug has on the blood
  • Physical dependence on the drug

Of all the side effects, physical dependence causes the most concern among clinicians because it leads to other complications and problems. Tuinal usage may also lead to other forms of addiction and abuse of drugs.

As a disclaimer, the effects of Tuinal start taking place within 15 minutes and last from four to six hours. People taking Tuinal may be unable to operate machinery or drive a vehicle, as the effects of the drug will impair their judgment.

Tuinal Abuse and Addiction Treatment Options

Tuinal was a popular barbiturate in the 1960s through to the 1980s and familiar to many people from Generation X. Although it was celebrated for recreational use and prescribed by doctors, it is highly addictive. Sometimes misspelled as Tuinol, production of the drug was discontinued in most of Europe and the USA because of its addictive properties.

It is rarely used, but it is sometimes used as an anesthetic in a hospital setting. A person can buy Tuinal illegally.

The drug is also known as:

  • Rainbows
  • Blue tips
  • Christmas trees

Some movies, such as Taxi Driver, have also promoted the use of Tuinal. However, taking Tuinal illegally is very dangerous and can lead to several medical problems.

How to Recognize Signs of Tuinal Abuse

Regardless of lifestyle or age, anyone can experience prescription drug abuse. Almost nine million American adults are believed to take some form of prescribed sleeping aid.

The percentage of people taking sleeping aids increases with age and education and is more common in white females. The drugs prescribed for insomnia include barbiturates like Tuinal, z-drugs, and benzodiazepines. (8

Because Tuinal influences the brain and nervous system, it can create physical dependence or certain health problems on the drug. It is also likely that with prolonged usage, a person will develop an increased tolerance and need to take more to achieve the same effect.

Naturally, this creates a vicious circle of feeding a habit that is hard to break. This problem can quickly descend into abuse and addiction.

That’s why it is important for doctors, concerned family members, and loved ones to closely monitor people taking medication like Tuinal for signs of problems.

Typical signs that someone is heading for trouble when taking Tuinal include:

  • Excessive shaking and feeling nervous or agitated
  • Difficulty walking
  • Hallucinations and imagining things
  • Sweating excessively
  • A loss of connection with the real world
  • Lying about using the drug and even hiding evidence they have taken a substance
  • Feeling sensitive to noise
  • Using more prescriptions than anticipated

Why Illicit Use of Tuinal Is Dangerous

Since Eli Lilly stopped manufacturing Tuinal in the USA, recreational usage has decreased. However, there are still people out there who sell old pills to give people a high. 

You can never be sure the substance is Tuinal, and there’s no guarantee of the age of the capsule. That means that if you take an illicit substance, you can end up with serious side effects, especially if the medication is out of date, as the chemical compounds will have started to break down.

Tuinal is known to interact with over 500 different drugs used to treat clinical problems. These include:

If someone is taking Tuinal illicitly, they may experience significant side effects, which can make them extremely sick and can even lead to hospitalization or death. Barbiturates should never be taken if someone is pregnant, as they can damage the developing fetus.

There are other reasons why taking illicit Tuinal is dangerous.

When someone is influenced by Tuinal, the signs and symptoms include:

  • Shallow breathing and even respiratory arrest
  • Slurred speech
  • Impaired judgment
  • Dilated pupils

A further problem that compounds this situation is when people take a substance besides Tuinal. Polydrug abuse is when two illicit substances are combined to create an enhanced effect. The problem is prolific in people who take Tuinal illicitly, and it is particularly problematic in those who take alcohol and barbiturates together.

Because alcohol is a depressant or sedative, it enhances the effects of barbiturates like Tuinal. Anyone using alcohol and barbiturates in combination is placing themselves at serious risk of physical illness and injury. (9)

Taking marijuana at the same time as a barbiturate is dangerous, too, because it reduces the effects of sedatives. This may mean that someone unwittingly takes even more barbiturates to get the same effect, which can lead to a fatal overdose.

If someone has been on Tuinal for a significant amount of time, additional side effects develop because of prolonged use. For the person taking Tuinal, these effects cause significant damage to health and are a major reason for getting help as early as possible.

Signs that someone is having problems with prolonged dependence include:

  • A decrease in blood platelets. This can affect clotting and lead to bleeding and bruising.
  • Memory loss. The drug slows brain activity.
  • Megaloblastic anemia. Very large red blood cells develop, which are too large to enter the bone marrow and transport oxygen around the body. As a result, someone with megaloblastic anemia can develop fatigue, shortness of breath, and fast heart rates.
  • Decreased bone density. People with weakened bone density are at risk of developing a fracture and are more at risk of breaking a limb if they fall. (10)

A further side effect of prolonged use of Tuinal is a fatal overdose. Medical research suggests that just over one-third of drug deaths are barbiturate related.

Further fatalities from barbiturates are because of accidents while under the influence of the drug.

Sadly, many of these overdoses were not deliberate but were simply a result of the person not realizing the amount of drug they already had in their body. And where barbiturates have caused accidents, the actions of the person dying under the influence of Tuinal have sometimes resulted in others being killed as a direct result of the accident.

Withdrawal From Tuinal

When someone wants to withdraw from Tuinal, their motivation is a positive step to recovery. However, withdrawing from barbiturates is not as easy as simply stopping the medication.

Tuinal, like so many other barbiturates, is very habit-forming, so it is vital people are weaned off the drug gradually.

Ideally, this is done in a treatment center under the supervision of addiction specialists and other medical professionals. Withdrawing from barbiturates alone and without support is not recommended because the patient does not need just physical support for the withdrawal but psychological care as well.

When someone begins the process of withdrawal from Tuinal, it is an unpleasant experience with side effects. Therefore, it is important that people going through the process have support from a specialist treatment center and do not attempt it alone.

Withdrawal symptoms usually start around five hours after the last dose of Tuinal was taken and can last for up to 15 days. Many side effects, including nausea and muscle tremors, are relatively easy to deal with. 

But others are more serious and can be fatal. Some of the more life-threatening side effects of barbiturate withdrawal include: (11)

  • Coma
  • Unconsciousness
  • Slowed breathing rate
  • Respiratory arrest
  • Cardiac arrest

Barbiturates affect the brain. So, many people withdrawing from the drug have psychological effects. Some people also experience a rebound effect during withdrawal, where they have heightened anxiety or are unable to sleep.

When someone starts taking Tuinal for insomnia, for example, this aspect can be frustrating. It also highlights why people need to get help from qualified healthcare practitioners so their withdrawal is managed appropriately and they get the support they need.

When someone undergoes a medical detox or treatment program, they are usually given a long-acting benzodiazepine to support the withdrawal process. It may seem counterintuitive, but it helps stabilize the individual.

Once free of barbiturates, they wean off the benzodiazepines until they are completely free of drugs.

How to Get Help With Tuinal Withdrawal

The treatment for a Tuinal addiction is similar to other barbiturates. The starting point for anyone is that the individual has to want to come off the drug and be treated. Without that positive affirmation, it is almost impossible to withdraw successfully.

One of the important aspects of rehabilitation is to establish the root cause of the substance abuse addiction. This could have been caused by drugs prescribed by the individual’s doctor or by illicitly obtaining the substances.

Did it start with insomnia caused by chronic pain, or is there an underlying anxiety disorder, for example? Perhaps they are also experiencing alcoholism.

Taking the first step to recovery from drug addiction is not easy and requires courage. There are teams of people in treatment centers ready to help you make the next move. To learn more, call Zinnia Health at (855) 430-9439.


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