Learn the Ways Meth is Abused
Methamphetamine is a powerful and dangerous drug that can have severe consequences for those who use it. It can be snorted, smoked, or injected, and it causes an intense high that can last for hours. Meth is a highly addictive stimulant, and those who become addicted will likely do anything to get their next fix.
We will discuss the different ways you can use meth and the risks associated with each method.
If you or someone you know is struggling with meth addiction, please reach out for help. Zinnia Health is here to help you on your journey to recovery. Visit our website or call us at (855) 430-9439 to learn more about our program and how we can help you get your life back on track.

How Is Meth Used: Snorting, Smoking, or Injecting?
The most common methods of using meth are snorting, smoking, and injecting.
1. Snorting Meth
Snorting crystal meth involves taking the drug through the nose, which is absorbed into the bloodstream through the mucus membranes.
Snorting meth is one of the most common methods of use, as it is relatively easy to do and does not require any special equipment.
When meth is snorted, it enters the bloodstream more quickly than when it is taken orally, which can cause a more intense high. Additionally, snorting meth damages the mucus membranes in the sinus, leading to nosebleeds, infections, and difficulty breathing.
2. Smoking Meth
Smoking meth involves using a pipe or other device to heat up and vaporize the drug so it can be inhaled. Smoking meth is popular because it produces an immediate and intense high.
When meth is smoked, it enters the lungs, where it is quickly absorbed into the bloodstream. This can cause severe damage to the lungs and lead to respiratory problems.
3. Injecting Meth
Injecting meth involves using a needle to inject the drug directly into the bloodstream. Injecting meth is one of the most dangerous methods of use, as it can easily lead to overdose and death.
Injecting meth also carries a high risk of infection, or contracting hepatitis as it can introduce bacteria and other contaminants into the bloodstream from dirty needles.
Additionally, injecting meth can damage the veins and lead to serious health problems.
What Are the Short-Term and Long-Term Effects of Meth Use?
Amphetamine use can have several short-term and long-term effects on the body.
Short-term effects of methamphetamine misuse include:
- Increased alertness
- Wakefulness, and physical activity
- Decreased appetite
- Increased breathing
- Increased heart rate or blood pressure
- Irregular heartbeat
- Hyperthermia (elevated body temperature)
- Dilated pupils.
Long-term effects of drug use include:
- Addiction/cravings
- Tooth decay and “meth mouth”
- Weight loss
- Malnutrition
- Anxiety and decrease in mental health
- Paranoia
- Delusions
- Hallucinations
- Stroke
- Death
If you or someone you know is struggling with methamphetamine addiction, please seek help from a qualified healthcare professional. Meth addiction is a severe medical condition that requires treatment by trained professionals. Zinnia Health is here to help. We offer various treatment options for substance use disorders, including detoxification, residential treatment, and outpatient care. For more information, call us today at (855) 430-9439.
What Is Meth, and What Are Its Effects on the Body?
Methamphetamine is a synthetic drug chemically similar to the natural stimulant hormone epinephrine (adrenaline). It is a potent central nervous system stimulant that is highly addictive and can cause severe psychological and physical dependence.
When methamphetamine is taken orally, it travels to the brain, triggering the release of dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. These neurotransmitters are responsible for feelings of pleasure, excitement, and energy.
Methamphetamine can also be smoked, snorted, or injected, which results in an even more rapid and intense high.
Methamphetamine’s effects on the body are numerous and can be quite dangerous. When taken in large doses, methamphetamine can cause a condition called “stimulant psychosis,” characterized by paranoia, hallucinations, and extreme aggression.
Methamphetamine can also cause heart attacks, strokes, and seizures. It can damage blood vessels in the brain and cause a condition called “meth mouth,” which is characterized by tooth decay and gum disease.
Meth use can lead to weight loss, malnutrition, extreme thirst and dehydration, and increased risk for HIV and other diseases.
Can You Overdose on Meth, and What Are the Symptoms of an Overdose?
Yes, you can overdose on meth.
Symptoms of a meth overdose include:
- Agitation
- Anxiety
- Hyperthermia
- Seizures
- Cardiac arrhythmias
- Respiratory problems
- Coma
- Death.
How to Get Help for Meth Addiction
If you or someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, getting help as soon as possible is essential. Several treatment options are available, and the sooner you seek help, the better the chances of success.
Common treatments for meth addiction include:
- Cognitive-behavioral therapy: This therapy can help you identify and change the thoughts and behaviors contributing to your meth use.
- Contingency management:This treatment approach uses positive reinforcement, such as rewards, to encourage abstinence from meth.
- Motivational enhancement therapy:This therapy helps you explore and overcome the underlying reasons for your meth use.
- Detox: This is the first step in treating meth addiction and involves ridding your body of the drug.
- Inpatient treatment: This treatment allows you to live at a residential facility while receiving around-the-clock care and support.
- Outpatient treatment: This treatment allows you to live at home while attending regular therapy sessions.
With so many choices for substance abuse treatment, it can be tough to decide which is right for you. If you or a loved one are struggling with meth addiction, please give us a call today at (855) 430-9439 to learn about the various treatment options we offer. You can also visit our website for more information.
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