Substance Use

How Long Does MDMA Stay in Your System?

drug test urine with mdma

How Long Does MDMA Stay in Your Body?

MDMA, better known as ecstasy or “Molly,” is a drug that has seen its popularity skyrocket in recent years. This new generation of drugs can be dangerous if not taken with care and may have long-lasting effects on the body. How long does MDMA stay in your body, and what are some risks associated with taking it? What should you do if you think someone might be using this drug?

While there are many potential effects on an individual’s body, dedicated treatment options for MDMA addiction are available at Zinnia Health treatment facilities, spanning from California to New Jersey. 

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What Is MDMA?

MDMA is a psychoactive drug that people might take in pill form or through intravenous injection, with the pill form most common. MDMA acts on the serotonin neurotransmitter system, controlling mood, behavior, sleep, pain perception, and other body functions.

How Is MDMA Detected on Drug Tests?

The methods used to detect MDMA in a person’s system depend on the test used. The most common tests include urine, saliva, hair, and blood samples. However, they all have their limits when detecting ecstasy because it only stays in your system for about three days after taking it.

Of these methods, hair follicle testing provides the most extended window since it can show evidence of use going back around 90 days. If you fail a hair follicle test, there isn’t any way for you to argue with its results.

  • Urine test — This test can detect MDMA in your urine for up to three days.
  • Saliva test — MDMA stays in your saliva for about one to two days.
  • Hair follicle test — MDMA can be detected in your hair up to 90 days after taking the drug.
  • Blood test — Blood tests are the least reliable because they only show evidence of use within 24 hours.

What Are the Side Effects of Taking MDMA?

When someone takes MDMA, their brain floods with serotonin, creating feelings of euphoria and empathy toward others. In general, users take anywhere from 50 to 280 milligrams (mg). Sometimes, people will take more than one pill to prolong the high, but this can be extremely dangerous.

In addition to euphoria, MDMA users have reported some other effects, including:

  • Increased energy and wakefulness
  • Decreased fatigue and need for sleep
  • Recklessness
  • Muscle tension
  • Dizziness/nausea
  • Changes in appetite

How Long Does It Take for the Effects of MDMA to Wear Off?

The effects of MDMA usually last from three to six hours, depending on how much you take. It may take a little longer for the drug to go away completely in some cases. In general, though, you will start feeling normal again after about 24 hours.

This is one of the reasons why there are so many overdoses when people take MDMA at raves or clubs. If they re-dose too early, they might not feel any effect from their second dose until much later, only realizing after taking the third pill.

Although three to six hours is the usual range for effects to last, there are many variables regarding how long MDMA’s effects last. This is why there are no definitive answers.

Variables include:

Amount taken

MDMA is a stimulant that causes energy and euphoria, so people often take multiple doses to maintain this feeling for extended periods. If you take more than one dose, your body will take longer to process all of these chemicals. This means the drug can stay in your system even after the effects have worn off.

The purity level of MDMA

If you buy from an unreliable source, other substances can make their way into your body. These substances can alter the effects and how long it takes MDMA to leave your system. Mixing ecstasy with cocaine or alcohol, for example, increases toxicity levels. More MDMA could remain in circulation within your body because the liver enzymes have not yet broken it down. Plus, other drugs taken simultaneously with MDMA can also alter its half-life. This might sound like something good, but it means that users who take too many pills risk overdosing on multiple substances simultaneously.

Average pH levels in the body

Some research has suggested that the lower your pH levels, the more MDMA stays in your system. This effect can be caused by frequent alcohol or drug use. Those who have been abusing substances for some time often report longer half-lives of drugs like MDMA and a higher risk of toxicity symptoms.

Individual’s weight

Research indicates that a person’s weight could affect how long ecstasy stays in their system. The more a person weighs, the longer it will take them to metabolize and excrete all traces of MDMA from their body.

How the body processes MDMA

Some people break down MDMA more quickly than others. This means its half-life is shorter. If you are in this group, your risk of toxicity symptoms will be lower — unless you take more pills to retain the high. If the half-life is longer, there could be a higher chance of side effects because the drug remains in your system for longer.

Is There a Way to Speed Up Metabolism for MDMA Removal?

While there is no way to speed up your metabolism, eating certain foods can help remove MDMA from your system faster. Vitamin C has been proven effective in increasing the rate at which ecstasy or “Molly” metabolizes, but it does not affect how long it stays in your body. Water and exercise are also good ways to flush your system because they increase urination, which helps get rid of toxins more quickly.

How Is MDMA Metabolized in the Body?

Once MDMA is in your body, liver enzymes, known as CYP450, metabolize most of it within an hour. These enzymes are produced naturally to break down drugs and other chemicals. However, this process doesn’t always happen quickly enough, and ecstasy can remain in some parts of your body, including muscle tissue and fat cells, for days.

What Are the Risks of Taking MDMA?

Taking ecstasy is not without risk. Some people have had bad reactions to it, including confusion, depression, heart attack, and even death. The drug can also cause nausea, chills, sweating, and blurred vision. Long-term effects include changes in mood and difficulties sleeping or concentrating, which may last for months after use has stopped.

People who take ecstasy over a long period may experience memory loss and problems similar to those seen in Parkinson’s disease patients, such as tremors and muscle stiffness. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, seek immediateassistance from a professional treatment facility, such as those offered by Zinnia Health. 

How Dangerous Is MDMA?

MDMA is dangerous for your health because it affects the body in several negative ways. Some of these effects include:


Taking MDMA can havefatal consequences even if you don’t mix the drug with other substances. Being dehydrated or overheated when on ecstasy or “Molly” increases your risk of suffering from heatstroke, which could lead to death.

Decreased sexual performance

MDMA can also cause decreased sexual performance, including delayed ejaculation in men and difficulty reaching orgasm for women. It reduces blood flow throughout the body by increasing alkalinity levels in your bloodstream. 

Loss of appetite

MDMA can cause you to lose your appetite. You might also feel nauseous at the thought of food or drink after taking MDMA. However, users are at risk for dehydration if they don’t drink enough fluids while under its effects. 

Mood swings

Mood swings are another side effect associated with ecstasy or “Molly.” Some people become irritable or anxious when coming down from their high (when the effects start wearing off). It may take a long time before these symptoms go away.

Increased heart rate and blood pressure

Ecstasy causes an increase in your heart rate. This can lead to stroke or cardiac arrest issues, even if you don’t have pre-existing conditions like high cholesterol. It also raises your blood pressure due to vasoconstriction (narrowing) of blood vessels throughout the body.

Irregular heartbeat

MDMA can also cause an irregular heartbeat. This increases the risk for other serious cardiovascular problems, including cardiac arrest, stroke, and death, depending on how much you took.

Jaw or teeth clenching

You may start to clench your jaw after taking ecstasy or “Molly.” It can lead to tooth damage if it’s not handled correctly.


People who take ecstasy often have trouble sleeping after they come down from their high. This is due to the brain’s release of serotonin, which affects sleep patterns. MDMA can also lead to insomnia if taken too often or in too large doses.

Signs of MDMA Addiction

People who take ecstasy or “Molly” may show signs of addiction if they experience withdrawal symptoms like:


After coming down from an MDMA high, you may feel depressed or anxious.


When people take too much ecstasy at once, they feel fatigued and lethargic for days after the initial effects have worn off. If you start taking this drug regularly to avoid these symptoms, you might develop a dependence on it.

Increased stress levels

Some heavy users of ecstasy report feeling more stressed out than usual while trying to get over their highs every weekend. This is due to how serotonin works in your brain. Your body releases less of it when on ecstasy or “Molly.” Normal feelings like happiness don’t come as easily anymore without help from drugs like MDMA. 

Lack of interest in daily activities

Some people who depend on MDMA may start to lose interest in things they once enjoyed, such as time with family and friends. They might stop doing their usual hobbies because they don’t enjoy them anymore or put off going back to work until the last minute.

Hiding drug use from others

You might lie about your weekend plans if you feel like you can’t go out without taking ecstasy because it’s become part of your schedule. People close to you will notice this change and question what is happening in your life because, all of a sudden, everything revolves around using drugs. 


If your body starts building up resistance against MDMA effects and won’t respond as strongly anymore, there’s no doubt you’ve become dependent upon these drugs. You might even seek out more potent drugs to get the same effect, leading to overdose and death.

Treatment Options for MDMA Addiction

Some people addicted to MDMA don’t realize they have a problem and may think ecstasy is just part of the fun at parties, concerts, and raves. However, this dangerous drug can cause long-term damage to your brain because of its toxic ingredients. This means you could end up needing treatment if you want to get better.

Treatment options for MDMA addiction can vary depending on what help you need, but options often include therapy, medications, and support groups.

  • Therapy — Many types of therapy can help you overcome your addiction to MDMA, including cognitive-behavioral, interpersonal, and motivational enhancement therapies.
  • Medications — There are currently no medications approved for the treatment of MDMA addiction. Still, some research is underway to test drugs that may reduce cravings and prevent relapse.
  • Support groups — Many people find it helpful to attend group meetings like AA or NA where they share their experiences with others recovering from addiction. Everyone has a different story about how they became addicted. This helps addicts learn from each other’s mistakes, and remind them of their disease and the tools they need daily to combat it.


MDMA is a dangerous drug that can cause long-term damage to your brain and lead to complicated health problems like overheating. However, if you find yourself addicted, you can find therapy and support groups to help you get better.

Zinnia Health facilities offer state-of-the-art treatment programs for people suffering from substance abuse and addiction. Our professional staff is here to help you find your way back to sobriety, so call us at (855) 430-9439 or email us at today!

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