How to Stop Taking Kratom Safely
Even in low doses, kratom can become addictive due to its stimulant- and opioid-like properties, making it hard to quit. The safest way to recover from a kratom addiction is to talk to your doctor, or pursue addiction treatment. Not only can these resources help you manage potential withdrawal symptoms, but they can help you address your underlying reason for using kratom — such as pain or mental health — so that you aren’t tempted to use other substances again.
Are you or a loved one struggling with kratom abuse? Help is available. Contact Zinnia Health today at (855) 430-9439 to learn more about our substance abuse treatment programs.
What Are the Steps to Quit Kratom?
Kratom is an herbal supplement derived from the leaves of the tropical tree Mitragyna speciosa. Due to its opioid- and stimulant-like effects, kratom can be addicting and quitting it can be difficult.
The best way to quit kratom depends on each individual’s kratom addiction — dosage and frequency of use, length of kratom use, history of addiction, and key biological factors.
Some of the options to quit kratom include:
1. Undergo Medical Kratom Detoxification
Kratom users who cannot quit on their own should seek professional addiction treatment. One of those options is medical detoxification.
Medically supervised detox prioritizes the patient’s well-being and comfort while slowly decreasing the amount of the substance they take. This detox method uses medication to help mitigate the worst withdrawal symptoms and provides around-the-clock supervision.
2. Attend Inpatient Kratom Rehab
The patient lives at the treatment center during inpatient rehab for a pre-determined amount of time. During the treatment process, a team of addiction specialists provides detox, medication-assisted treatment, drug-abuse counseling, and peer support to help the patient fight the kratom addiction.
3. Attend Outpatient Kratom Rehab
Outpatient rehab allows patients to meet personal and professional obligations and get the kratom treatment they need while residing at home or in a sober living environment.
4. Quit Kratom Cold Turkey
The quickest way to quit kratom is to stop cold turkey. But it’s also the most uncomfortable way to stop — and the most dangerous — because there’s no way to mitigate withdrawal symptoms.
These symptoms could send the body into shock or push the kratom user to pick up kratom again to stop the uncomfortable effects.
5. Wean Yourself Off Kratom
Slowly reducing how much kratom you ingest, or weaning yourself off, is a popular way to quit kratom. However, people run into the same problems they do with quitting cold turkey.
There’s no way to mitigate the side effects of withdrawal and no healthcare providers to supervise the withdrawal to keep people safe and lower their relapse risk.
Can You Quit Kratom Cold Turkey?
While it can be tempting to quit kratom cold turkey so that you can just get it over with, this is dangerous as there is no way to mitigate withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms could send the body into shock or push the kratom user to pick up kratom again to stop the uncomfortable effects.
Zinnia Health is here for you if you or a family member needs help to overcome kratom abuse or kratom withdrawal syndrome. Contact our helpline today at (855) 430-9439 to learn more about how we can assist you on the road to recovery.
How Long Does It Take To Quit Kratom?
Kratom withdrawal is similar to opioid withdrawal, with a few key differences. Studies find that withdrawing from kratom takes less time, and the symptoms are less intense than opioid withdrawal. However, the recovery timeline still looks different for everyone.
A typical kratom withdrawal process:
- 1-3 weeks to withdraw from kratom with the help of a medical professional
- 1-3 months in structured recovery, like an inpatient or intensive outpatient program
- 1 year or more with follow-up and ongoing support
The total length of the treatment process depends on you and your unique needs. If you were using kratom to self-medicate for pain or mental health conditions, that can change the recovery timeline and the approach your providers take.
Is It Hard to Get Off Kratom?
How difficult it is to quit kratom depends on factors like how much you’ve been taking, how often you take it, and whether or not you’re using other substances, like alcohol. A history of drug abuse can also make it more difficult to quit kratom.
People who use kratom to self-medicate mental health conditions should speak with a psychiatrist or other mental health provider before stopping the substance. The professional will likely recommend a combination of therapy and medication to help you manage your mental health symptoms more effectively and safely than with kratom.
What Happens to Your Brain When You Stop Taking Kratom?
Whether you are using kratom recreationally or self-medicating with it, the use of kratom can lead to physical dependence. This is marked by changes in the structure of the brain, which cause your body to crave the drug.
If you try to stop taking it, that can lead to kratom withdrawal symptoms, such as:
- Sleep disturbances
- Loss of appetite
- Jerky movements
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Watery eyes
- Runny nose
- Abdominal cramping
- Kratom cravings
- Hot flashes
- Sweating
- Tremors
- Diarrhea
Psychological withdrawal symptoms of kratom include:
- Irritability
- Mood swings
- Restlessness
- Agitation
- Aggression
- Anxiety
- Depression
How to Get Help for a Kratom Addiction Near Me
Keep the following tips in mind when trying to quit kratom:
- Get professional help. You don’t have to quit kratom alone. Find a program that fits your needs and stick to it. If rehab is not something you’re interested in, you can also join support groups to lean on peer support and professional counseling. Inpatient treatment creates the most successful outcomes. So, if counseling is unsuccessful, you may need to consider a higher level of care.
- Seek support. As we mentioned above, you are not alone in your recovery journey. Lean on your family members and loved ones for support and to help you stay motivated. Participate in the program. Finding or joining a recovery program is not enough: You must participate and be open to the activities assigned. Remember, therapy will only work if you give it your all.
- Set goals. Goals are an essential part of recovery. Think about your life before using kratom and what things you’d like to regain. Write down your goals — and don’t forget to note your progress — to help you stay the course and accomplish recovery.
Kratom use in the United States is rising — particularly among teenagers. Many assume that since the substance is legal and made from a plant, it is safe to use. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. To understand this substance abuse, you’ll want to take a closer look at kratom, the side effects of kratom and kratom withdrawal, and how to get help quitting this substance.
Are you ready to quit kratom? Learn more about Zinnia Health’s treatment options and how we can help you get the support you need to overcome kratom substance abuse, then call (855) 430-9439 to speak with our team.
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