Substance Use

Ketamine: Street Names, Slang, Nicknames and Emoji

ketamine vial with syringe and pills

Ketamine: Street Names, Slang, Nicknames and Emoji

Ketamine isn’t as well known or popular as other illicit drugs, but it can be just as dangerous as other controlled substances. This drug is approved for both humans and animals, but it has also made its way to the streets. Like most other drugs, it has many street names, slang terms, nicknames, and even emojis. Be on the lookout for these code words and symbols, as they could be a clue that your loved one is using ketamine.

Are you or someone you’re close to struggling with drug addiction? Whether it’s ketamine or a combination of drugs and alcohol, we can help. Zinnia Health is located throughout the U.S. and offers various levels of care. You can find a rehab center near you or contact us for assistance at (855) 430-9439. We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

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Common Street Names, Slang, and Nicknames for Ketamine

Codenames for illegal street drugs have become a common way for users and dealers to communicate to avoid trouble at school, with parents, or with law enforcement or other officials. Ketamine, just like other street drugs, has a few secret names, according to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

  • Baby food
  • Bump
  • Cat killer
  • Cat valium
  • Fort Dodge
  • God
  • Green
  • Green K
  • Honey oil
  • Jet
  • K
  • K-hole
  • K-land
  • Ket
  • Kit kat
  • Psychedelic heroin
  • Purple
  • Special K
  • Special la coke
  • Super acid
  • Super C
  • Vitamin K

Ketamine Emojis

Emojis are those fun little symbols and pictures, like the smiley faces you see on social media posts and in text messages. Teenagers, adults, and even drug dealers use this secret language to discuss drugs.

Since ketamine isn’t widely used, ketamine-specific emojis do not appear to be established. You can still be on the lookout for other drug-related emojis that may involve ketamine use or selling.

  • 🍁 (universal emoji for drugs)
  • 💊  🅿️ 🔵  🍌 (prescription drugs or pills in general)
  • 🗿 (“stoned” or intoxicated)
  • 🤑💰 💵 👑 (drug dealer advertising drugs)
  • 🚀 (high-quality drugs or being very intoxicated)
  • ⛽  (being “gassed” or intoxicated)
  • 🔥 (to be “lit” or intoxicated)
  • 🥧 🍪 (a large amount of drugs)

Addiction is a disease, but the good news is that it’s treatable. That’s where Zinnia Health comes in. Our drug and alcohol treatment programs get to the root of the problem, helping you improve your physical and mental health. Reach out to us today at (855) 430-9439 to learn more about how to get your life back on track. 

What Is Ketamine?

Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic drug used to sedate patients, especially those in long-term ICU or undergoing surgery. Unlike other sedative drugs, this one puts patients into a trance-like state. It also causes pain relief, immobility, and loss of memory (amnesia) while under the effects of the drug.

Ketamine is available in various forms:

  • Clear liquid for IV or intramuscular injection
  • White powder
  • Green tablet
  • Blue, green, or white capsule
  • Nasal spray

Ketamine brand names include the following:

  • Ketalar
  • Ketaset
  • Ketajet
  • Ketavet
  • Spravato
  • Vetamine
  • Vetaket
  • Ketamine Hydrochloride Injection

Ketamine is a rarely abused drug, but it’s still found on the streets. It’s often called a “date rape drug” or “club drug” due to its sedating and paralyzing effects. Some people use it for sexual assault because it makes a person stay awake but unable to move or talk.

Ketamine is one of many controlled Schedule III substances commonly abused and potentially dangerous. It can be snorted, swallowed, smoked, or injected.

Is Ketamine Addictive and Dangerous?

This drug is not to be ignored, as ketamine use puts users at risk of its harmful physical effects. When trying to stop using this drug, you may experience unpleasant psychological withdrawal symptoms. In addition, you can overdose on ketamine when taking too much or mixing it with alcohol, GHB, and MDMA.

Ketamine Side Effects

  • Intense, detached high
  • Loss of physical sensations
  • Strong hallucinogenic effects
  • Temporary paralysis
  • Visual and auditory disturbances

Ketamine Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Anxiety
  • Chills
  • Cravings
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Psychosis
  • Palpitations
  • Shaking
  • Sweating

Signs of Ketamine Overdose

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Chest pain
  • Irregular heart rate
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Paralysis
  • Violence
  • Nightmares or night terrors
  • Seizures
  • Extreme sedation
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Coma

Treatment for ketamine addition is crucial. Ensure that you get professional help for the safest, most effective way to go through ketamine detox.

Warning Signs of Substance Use Disorder (SUD)

It’s not always obvious when someone is using drugs or has an addiction. However, some common warning signs can be helpful and even save a life.

  • Sudden mood swings
  • Drastic changes in behavior
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Changing friends
  • Not participating in favorite activities
  • Poor work or school performance
  • Secretive behavior
  • Heavy use of mouthwash, perfumes, or eye drops

When you notice someone exhibiting signs of addiction or your own negative effects of substance abuse, it’s time for an intervention. Even if you’re just having difficulty coping with life, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) suggests:

  1. Reaching out to a trained crisis professional
  2. Accepting where you are now in your recovery
  3. Taking care of your body and mind
  4. Connecting with people for support

Drug Addiction Treatment Programs

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to treatment for substance use. That means you have many options, including programs tailored to your individual needs and interests.

Substance Abuse Levels of Care

Depending on the type of treatment you need, your healthcare provider may suggest any of the following. You may experience one or more of these levels of care throughout your recovery journey.

Drug Addiction Therapies

As you receive care, you may also receive help through different types of therapies. Some specialty approaches have been proven effective for many participants.

The great thing about drug and alcohol programs is they’re designed to help you understand addiction, modify your behavior, and avoid the influences that cause you to use drugs. Whether you’re dealing with drug addiction, mental health issues, or a combination of challenges, there’s help and hope.

Get Started on the Road to Recovery Today

Ketamine isn’t widely used or well-known. Still, it can be dangerous, especially when combined with other drugs or alcohol. It’s crucial to be aware of the different drug slang used by buyers and sellers of illegal drugs on the streets.

Some of the secret code names are more obvious than others. Plus, many people are using emojis to symbolize the drugs and dealings they’re talking about on social media or in text messages.

Zinnia Health understands the challenges of drug addiction, including the use of ketamine. That’s why we offer a wide range of SUD treatment programs. Whether for you, your teen, or another loved one, you can trust us to guide you every step of the way. Simply reach out to our addiction specialists online or by phone at (855) 430-9439.

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