Emoji Drug Code List: What Do These Emojis Mean?
Every time you use your smartphone, chances are you’ll see (and even use) those infamous emojis. While you’re probably familiar with everything from apples to zipped lips — and smiley faces, of course — did you know that emojis are used as secret drug codes? You’ll find emojis representing a wide range of drug-related topics, including specific drugs, the effects of drugs, and drug paraphernalia. This emoji drug code list is designed to provide a resource so you know what the symbols mean.
Dealing with drug abuse is no easy matter. That’s why we help our patients every step of the way, ensuring they progress on the road to recovery. To learn more about our treatment process, speak with one of our Zinnia Health addiction specialists by calling (855) 430-9439.

What Is the Emoji Drug Code?
The emoji drug code is a set of symbols that users, buyers, and sellers of illegal drugs use in texting, social media, and email. These emojis are used like secret codes to represent various drugs and drug-related activities.
The characters vary widely and can be categorized based on the type of drug, the effects of particular medications, and drug dealer communication.
Most Common Emoji Drug Symbols and Meanings
The emoji list for drug symbols is long and not inclusive of all possible representations. The following drug-related emojis are the most commonly used:
Universal Symbol for Drugs
All Drugs:
- 🍁 maple leaf
Illegal Drugs and Others
- 🐡 blowfish
- 💎 diamond
- 🎱 eight ball
- 😛 face with tongue out
- 🔑 key
- 🦜 parrot
- 🌨️ snow cloud
- ❄️ snowflake
- ⛄ snowman
- 🍇 grapes
- 💜 purple heart
- 🍼 baby bottle
- 🤎 brown heart
- 🐉 dragon
- 🍄 mushroom
- 🌲 evergreen tree
- 🍀 four leaf clover
- 🚬 joint
- 🌴 palm tree
- 🌿 plant
Methamphetamine (meth):
- 💙 blue heart
- 🔮 crystal ball
- 💎 diamond
- 🧪 test tube
Methylenedioxy-methamphetamine (MDMA) and Molly:
- 🍬 candy
- ❌ cross mark
- ⚡ lightning bolt
- 💊 pill
- ❤️ red heart
Fake Prescription Drugs
- 🚆 A-Train
- 💊 pill
Oxycodone (OxyContin) or oxycodone and acetaminophen (Percocet)
- 🍌 banana
- 🔵 blue circle
- 🅿️ P button
- 💊 pill
Benzodiazepines such as Xanax:
- 🚌 bus
- 🍫 chocolate bar
- 💊 pill
Effects of Drugs
- 😶🍳 smiley face with no mouth and cooked egg
- 😌💨 sad face and puff of smoke
- 😳🔥 surprised face and flame
- 😳🍃 surprised smiley face and leaves
Drug Dealer Signals
Dealer delivery or shipping:
- 📱 cell phone
- ⛽ gas pump
- 🪂 parachute
- 📦 shipping box
Dealer advertising:
- 👑 crown
- 💵 dollar bill
- 💰 money bag
- 🤑 money-mouth face
- 🔌 plug
High-potency drugs:
- 💥 collision
- 💣 bomb
- 🚀 rocket
Large batch of drugs:
- 🍪 cookie
As you’ll notice, many emoji drug meanings are related to drug nicknames and slang terms. For example, marijuana is often called “herb” or “grass,” cocaine is known as “snow” or “blow,” and meth is called “crystal.” As such, emojis representing those code names or street names will often be used in smartphone texts and on social media.
Do you suspect your teen is using drugs? Are you or someone you know in need of treatment for drug addiction? Zinnia Health offers a variety of treatment programs that can be customized to your needs and wants. Our staff is standing by 24/7, so don’t hesitate to call (855) 430-9439 today.
What Are Emojis?
Emojis are pictures and icons designed to replace written words in the digital world. They’re commonly used on smartphones and tablets. The most widely used emoji is the smiley face. What was once limited to text messages has now branched into every other mode of digital communication, including social media (e.g., Snapchat, Instagram, etc.).
Nowadays, these symbols are featured in pop culture, from toys to home decor. There’s even a movie, Emoji Movie, and a musical, Emojiland, based on these unique pictograms.
The word emoji comes from the Japanese root words e, which means “picture”), and moji, which means “character.” According to the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA), they were originally created by an interface design engineer who developed 176 characters for his telecommunications job. In 2010, Unicode incorporated emojis as part of the industry standard for text-writing systems.
By 2013, both Apple iOS and Google Android had added emojis to their smartphones. To date, Unicode has adopted a total of 3664 emojis.
Why You Must Look Out for Drug Symbols
The United States Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) issued a warning about fake prescription drugs as part of its “One Pill Can Kill” campaign. It identified several drug symbols commonly used to sell dangerous substances to teenagers on social media and e-commerce. The reference guide was published so parents, caregivers, educators, and others better understand how emojis are associated with illicit drugs.
In particular, many look-alike prescription pills are often laced with fentanyl (a synthetic opioid) and methamphetamine (a stimulant), two of the most powerful and deadly drugs on the streets. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), fentanyl is up to 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times stronger than morphine.
Signs of Drug Addiction
There are many drug symbols widely used. Their meanings may or may not directly relate to buying, selling, or using drugs. It’s essential to consider the context in which the emojis have been used. When in doubt, look for signs of substance use.
According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), symptoms of addiction may involve physical, social, and behavioral changes. Some of these changes include the following:
Physical Changes
- Eyes are bloodshot or have abnormal pupil size
- Weight is suddenly lost or gained
- Physical appearance becomes poor
- Breath, body, and clothing smell strange
- May have slurred speech and impaired coordination
Social Changes
- Different friends, hobbies, and hangouts
- Drug-related legal problems
- Financial problems or unexplained needs
Behavioral Changes
- Work or school attendance and performance suffer
- Gets into more fights, accidents, illegal activities, etc.
- Exhibits suspicious behavior
- Appetite or sleep patterns change
- Personality, mood, or attitude changes
Has Your Loved One Used Drug Emojis?
If your teen or another loved one has been using emoji drug symbols, it could indicate they have a substance use disorder. While marijuana remains illegal according to federal law, some states have approved it for medical and recreational use.
Still, many illicit substances and fake prescription pills sold on the streets are often laced with deadly drugs. That’s why getting help for anyone suspected of being a drug user is crucial. Be on the lookout for many drug-related symbols and seek treatment immediately for any evidence of addiction.
The medical professionals and addiction specialists at Zinnia Health are here to help. Our rehab centers are located throughout the U.S., so you’re sure to find a treatment program near you. If you have questions or need more information, don’t hesitate to contact us online or by phone at (855) 430-9439.