Substance Use

Anxiety and Addiction: Exploring the Link, Symptoms, and Treatment Options

woman sitting with glass of whiskey anxious

The relationship between anxiety and addiction demands understanding and tailored treatment, as the two conditions often coexist in a complex manner. Anxiety disorders can cause substance use as a form of self-medication aimed at alleviating symptoms of stress, panic attacks, or generalized anxiety. (1)

Long-term drug abuse, on the other hand, can make anxiety conditions worse or even cause them by changing brain chemistry and neural pathways connected to stress response systems. 

This back-and-forth interaction makes things difficult because each condition causes the other to get worse. For example, using drugs temporarily eases worry but makes it worse over time.

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What Are Anxiety Disorders?

Anxiety disorders involve a group of mental health conditions characterized by excessive and persistent worry, fear, or anxiety that significantly interferes with daily activities. Unlike the occasional stress or nervousness people experience in response to specific events, anxiety disorders persist over time and can worsen without treatment. (2)

These disorders manifest in various forms, each with unique symptoms but all rooted in disproportionate reactions to perceived threats or stresses.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

These disorders vary widely in their triggers and manifestations but share the commonality of excessive emotional responses to perceived threats. Understanding the different types of anxiety disorders helps to recognize symptoms and seek appropriate treatment. (3)

From Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which involves chronic worrying without specific cause, to more acute forms like Panic Disorder with its sudden intense episodes, each type presents unique challenges and specialized treatment programs.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Individuals with GAD exhibit chronic anxiety, characterized by exaggerated worry and tension even when there is little or nothing to provoke it. Unlike specific phobias, this type of disorder is not limited to particular situations but is pervasive across many aspects of life. Individuals experiencing Generalized Anxiety Disorder may find their chronic anxiety impacting various facets of their daily life. (4)
  • Panic Disorder: Characterized by sudden attacks of intense fear known as panic attacks, this disorder is often accompanied by physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, sweating, dizziness, and shortness of breath. These episodes occur unexpectedly and often without an obvious trigger. (5)
  • Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD): Also referred to as social phobia, SAD involves overwhelming anxiety and self-consciousness about everyday social situations. The intense concern about being judged by others leads to avoidance of interactions that could otherwise be enjoyable. (6)
  • Specific Phobias: Characterized by a marked, irrational, and severe fear of a particular object or situation, leading to active avoidance. For example, someone might experience an incapacitating fear of heights, flying, or enclosed spaces. (7)
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD): While these were previously categorized under the umbrella term, they are now recognized as separate conditions. However, both share a common feature of debilitating levels resulting from obsessive thoughts or past traumatic experiences, respectively. (8)

The root causes of these conditions are multifaceted, ranging from genetic factors to environmental influences and brain chemistry imbalances. Treatments typically involve a combination of psychotherapy, particularly Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs).

Each person’s path to healing is unique and requires a tailored approach to address their needs and preferences.

Understanding Anxiety and Addiction

Anxiety disorders span a wide spectrum, from panic disorder to obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). They often intersect with substance abuse. (9)

Anxiety and addiction often form a destructive loop, with each issue amplifying the severity of the other. In the same way that certain mental health conditions can lead people to seek temporary solace in substances, anxiety can act as a catalyst driving individuals towards alcohol or drugs for momentary comfort.

This means that when you are considering substance abuse treatment, it’s essential to treat mental disorders such as anxiety at the same time.

The Role of Different Anxiety Disorders in Addiction

Panic attacks, generalized anxiety issues, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social fear, and OCD each lead to people turning to alcohol or other substances for different reasons. For example: (10)

  • Generalized anxiety disorder sufferers may lean on substances for self-soothing purposes. (11)
  • Individuals living with a social phobia could employ alcohol as a social lubricant, enabling more accessible communication with others.
  • Survivors of extreme trauma or those diagnosed with PTSD may resort to abusing opioids or alcohol as a way to distance and numb themselves from haunting, repetitive memories.
  • People living with panic disorders may use substances in an attempt to manage overwhelming fear during interactions that trigger their panic.

Anxiety and Addiction Dual Diagnosis

A dual diagnosis means a person is dealing with both a mental health issue, such as anxiety and substance abuse at the same time. Close to one out of every six adults has a mental illness.

In 2021, it was estimated that around 57.8 million adults aged 18 or older in the United States had Any Mental Illness (AMI), making up about 22.8% of all U.S. adults. (12)

This co-occurrence can complicate treatment strategies since it requires addressing two complex conditions concurrently. Effective recovery involves comprehensive care that addresses both issues together; a holistic approach is necessary here.

Imagine being caught in a storm where anxiety and addiction feed off each other, creating an endless cycle. This isn’t just a thought experiment; it’s the reality for those struggling with co-occurring disorders.

For many, anxiety can lead to substance use; alcohol, drugs, or even certain behaviors become coping mechanisms to alleviate feelings of stress, fear, or panic. Initially, these substances may appear to offer relief from overwhelming emotions. 

However, over time, they alter brain chemistry and neural pathways—leading not only to addiction but also potentially worsening the very anxiety symptoms they were used to comfort.

This cyclical dependency creates an environment where one disorder perpetuates the other: heightened anxiety levels increase substance reliance, while addiction deepens anxiety disorders through chemical imbalances and social consequences such as isolation and financial strain. 

This co-occurrence poses significant challenges and risk factors to the treatment of alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and anxiety disorders.

Effects of Drug Use on Anxiety Symptoms

The relationship between drug use and anxiety symptoms is both complex and consequential, with substances often exacerbating underlying mental health issues. While some individuals might initially turn to drugs as a means of self-medication for anxiety relief, this strategy can backfire dramatically in the long term. (13)

  1. Short-term side effects: In the immediate aftermath of drug use, some users may experience temporary alleviation of their anxiety symptoms. This is because certain substances can induce feelings of euphoria or relaxation, momentarily distracting from stressors or fears. However, these effects are fleeting and superficial; they do not address the root causes of anxiety but rather mask them temporarily.
  2. Long-term consequences: Over time, regular drug use can significantly worsen anxiety symptoms due to several factors:
    • Tolerance development: As tolerance to a substance increases, higher doses are required to achieve the same effect, further destabilizing brain chemistry and contributing to greater levels of unease.
    • Withdrawal symptoms: The process of withdrawing from drugs, particularly those with dependence potential, is fraught with uncomfortable and even dangerous withdrawal phenomena. This includes heightened anxiety and panic attacks, compounding the original problems sought to escape.
    • Chemical imbalance: Many psychoactive substances alter neurotransmitter balance within brain systems like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA. Chronic exposure disrupts these systems, leading to imbalances that manifest as increased mood instability.
    • Life stressors: Addiction brings myriad social, financial, and legal stresses. These external pressures compound existing anxieties, creating additional sources of worry and distress.

Research suggests that specific types of drugs, notably stimulants and hallucinogens, have direct links to inducing severe episodes among susceptible individuals. Even cannabis, once considered relatively harmless, has been associated with the onset of disorders with high quantities and frequent usage.

Effective treatment plans typically involve a combination of detoxification, therapeutic interventions, and lifestyle adjustments aimed at restoring mental and physical well-being, breaking the cycle of dependency, and managing effectively.

Signs and Symptoms Of Drug Use For Those With Anxiety 

For individuals grappling with anxiety, discerning the signs and symptoms of drug use can be particularly challenging. The interplay between anxiety disorders and substance abuse complicates the picture, as some symptoms overlap while others may mask or exacerbate each other.

Recognizing these signs is crucial for early intervention and effective treatment. (14)

Behavioral Changes:

  • Increased secrecy: Individuals might become more secretive about their activities or whereabouts, indicative of hiding drug use.
  • Withdrawal from social activities: A notable reduction in interest in previously enjoyed social interactions could signal reliance on substances as a coping mechanism.
  • Unexplained financial problems: Sudden financial issues without clear reasons may suggest money being spent on sustaining a drug habit.

Physical Symptoms:

  • Changes in sleep patterns: Excessive sleepiness or insomnia can be related to various substances that affect sleep regulation differently.
  • Altered eating habits: Significant weight loss gain and fluctuations in appetite often accompany regular substance abuse.
  • Deterioration in personal hygiene: Neglecting personal care and grooming is indicative of a broader neglect of self-care due to addiction.
  • Noticeable mood swings: While mood swings are common among those with anxiety, excessive unpredictability and intensity of emotions, especially when sober, could point towards substance misuse.

Cognitive Signs:

  • Impaired judgment and decision-making: Substance abuse impacts cognitive functions, leading to poor decisions and impaired reasoning.
  • Memory issues: Short-term memory lapses and forgetting important dates or commitments are typical with prolonged usage of certain drugs.
  • Increased anxiety and panic attacks: Though initially sought relief using drugs, over time, this behavior exacerbates the underlying disorder, resulting in intensified episodes of panic attacks or even the onset of new forms.

Recognizing these indicators requires careful observation and understanding that any combination warrants concern.

How Trauma Influences the Development of Co-occurring Disorders

Trauma often ignites these coexisting conditions. People who have experienced trauma are more likely to develop both anxiety and addiction.

Anxiety is our body’s alarm system against potential threats or dangers. However, when this alarm is set off by trauma, it results in persistent fear, a common symptom of anxiety disorders like panic attacks.

Coping Strategies for Co-occurring Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders

If you’re battling co-occurring anxiety and substance use disorder, there are coping strategies available that could help manage your symptoms effectively.

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been found beneficial in treating both conditions by teaching individuals how to change their thought patterns that influence behavior. (15)
  • Mindfulness-based interventions have shown promise in helping people deal with cravings related to addiction while simultaneously reducing levels of stress, an important factor contributing towards relapse prevention.
  • Anti-anxiety medication, when used under medical supervision, can aid severe cases while reducing reliance on addictive substances. Non-narcotic anxiety options include some antidepressants, buspirone, and propranolol.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Anxiety and Addiction

Anxiety disorders, characterized by symptoms such as excessive worry and panic attacks, often intensify when coupled with substance abuse. Recognizing these warning signs is a crucial first step in addressing both issues.

Panic attacks are prevalent among those suffering from anxiety disorders. The following symptoms may arise during panic attacks that are common among those with anxiety issues:

  • Quickened heartbeat
  • Perspiration
  • Shaking or quivering
  • An impression of impending doom or peril
  • Trouble breathing
  • Tightness in the neck

Signs that point toward an addiction problem may include:

  • Frequent use despite negative consequences
  • Withdrawal symptoms during periods without the substance
  • Neglecting responsibilities due to drug use 

The intersection between these two conditions is not uncommon. However, very few Americans simultaneously receive treatment for both conditions, underscoring our need for greater awareness about this co-occurrence.

Understanding the Causes of Anxiety and Addiction

Anxiety and addiction often go hand in hand. A key element that contributes to this connection is how substances like cocaine can influence areas of the brain associated with stress.

Genetic Predisposition

Your genes can predispose you to both anxiety disorders and substance abuse issues. Inherited characteristics may impact how you react to difficult situations or shocks, potentially leading to the growth of these problems. (16)

Biochemical Factors

The biochemical reactions happening inside our brains also play a significant role in anxiety and addiction. For instance, anti-anxiety medication impacts neurotransmitters, chemical messengers responsible for transmitting signals between nerve cells.

This same principle applies when individuals resort to drugs or alcohol as self-medication for their anxiety symptoms.

Traumatic Events

Experiencing traumatic events can set off both anxiety disorders and addictive behaviors. People might turn towards substance use as a coping mechanism for dealing with overwhelming emotions brought on by such experiences.

The Impact of Anxiety and Addiction on Daily Life

Imagine the strain of navigating through life with anxiety and addiction. It’s a struggle that can disrupt even simple daily activities, causing trouble concentrating.

Anxiety disorders often induce excessive:

  • Worry
  • Fear
  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue

This relentless tension seeps into sleep patterns, leading to insomnia or other sleep disturbances.

On the flip side is addiction, an equally disruptive force. Substance use disorders tend to monopolize attention towards obtaining and using drugs or alcohol at the expense of other responsibilities.


Cognitive functioning takes a hit when grappling with both anxiety and addiction. The ability to focus becomes elusive as intrusive thoughts related to anxieties or cravings for substances take over.

Social Situations

The impact extends into social situations as well. Those battling anxiety might steer clear from interactions due to fear.

People dealing with addiction could isolate themselves out of shame about their drug abuse.

Day-to-Day Activities

Beyond work performance and social relationships, these conditions also hamper basic daily tasks such as maintaining personal hygiene or preparing meals. The emotional toll from living under constant stress, along with the physical demands posed by managing an addiction, makes it crucial for treatment plans to address both conditions simultaneously.

Treatment Options

Addressing these interlinked conditions effectively means tailoring interventions to treat both issues concurrently rather than in isolation. Here are several treatment options that have shown efficacy in managing this complex dual diagnosis.


The use of prescription medications often plays a crucial role in treating both addiction and serious mental illnesses such as anxiety.

Antidepressants like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or anti-anxiety medications may be utilized to help regulate the manifestations of anxiety. At the same time, certain drugs can assist with diminishing desires and withdrawal indications connected with substance misuse. (17)

Addiction Treatment Programs

For individuals contending with the simultaneous challenges of anxiety and addiction, targeted programs addressing both conditions concurrently are crucial for success.

These programs may include:

  • Detox: Supervised medical detox ensures a safe withdrawal process with monitoring and management of symptoms that may potentially arise during the early stages of abstinence.
  • Rehab Facilities: Inpatient and outpatient facilities are tailored to the specific needs and preferences of patients, offering structured environments that focus on intensive therapy, lifestyle modification, and education about the disease model.
  • Dual Diagnosis Treatments: Recognizing the coexistence of conditions necessitates integrated intervention plans that combine elements of psychiatric care, behavioral therapies, and medication-assisted treatments tailored to each case’s complexities.
  • Aftercare Planning: Post-treatment follow-up is crucial for maintaining the gains achieved during the initial phases. This includes ongoing counseling, participation in alumni events, and access to resources like sober living houses to sustain the momentum built throughout the program.

Individual Therapy

Psychotherapy helps individuals understand their thought patterns leading to harmful actions such as drug use. It also provides coping strategies for dealing with stressors that might trigger relapses into addictive behavior or exacerbate anxiety symptoms. (18)

Support Groups

Support groups play a pivotal role in the journey towards healing from both anxiety disorders and substance use issues.

These peer-led sessions offer the following group therapy benefits:

  • Shared experiences: It helps to know that you are not alone. Sharing personal stories can be cathartic while listening to others provides perspective and hope.
  • Coping strategies: Members exchange practical advice on managing triggers and cravings alongside techniques for reducing stress.
  • Accountability: Regular meetings encourage commitment to recovery goals, and mutual accountability among members reinforces the resolve to continue fighting against relapse.
  • Community Connection: The sense of belonging combats feelings of isolation common among those with dual diagnoses, including social networks that can provide support outside meeting times.

Lifestyle Changes

Incorporating healthy habits into your daily routine can significantly improve your chances against addiction and anxiety.

The following play significant roles in better physical health, which directly impacts mental health, too:

  • Regular exercise
  • Adequate sleep
  • Balanced nutrition

Family Therapy

Family Therapy offers a supportive environment that recognizes the individual’s well-being is often closely linked to the dynamics and relationships within the family.

By involving family members, therapists can also look deeper into familial patterns, childhood events, or inherited behaviors and mental health issues that may worsen anxiety and trigger addictive habits.

Get the Right Help For Your Mental Health Disorders

If you or your loved one is struggling with anxiety and addiction, it’s time to get help from experts who understand the complexity of these intertwined issues.

Zinnia Health isn’t just another treatment center; we provide recovery programs, effective treatment, outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, and aftercare for those struggling with anxiety and addiction. Navigating these dual challenges requires specialized care. To open a new chapter in your life, contact one of our experienced healthcare professionals at (855) 430-9439.


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