How to Detox From Opiates Safely
Opiate addiction can begin innocently with a doctor-prescribed opiate pain medication.
But if the medication isn’t taken according to the prescription, the body can build up a tolerance, requiring a higher dose at each interval. This can quickly devolve into dependence and addiction.
Opiate and opioid medications present these possibilities, as well as the potential for overdose.
If an individual takes more of an opiate medication than they’re prescribed, or if they don’t have a prescription at all and begin mixing opiates with alcohol or other substances, it’s a recipe for addiction.
It can lead to withdrawal symptoms and the need for opiate detox.
Opiate detox programs and targeted medical care can help people recover from opioid use disorder (OUD) or other substance use or abuse. Begin the journey to recovery, and take back the reins of their lives. If you or someone you love may be suffering silently, Zinnia Health can help. Call (855) 430-9439 to learn more about our substance abuse treatment options.

What is an Opiate Detox?
Opiate detox is the process of slowly removing opiates from your system. This is accomplished with an opiate taper, and additional “comfort” medications that ease withdrawal symptoms.
Methadone, buprenorphine, and Suboxone (a combination of buprenorphine and naloxone) are the most frequently used drug detox medicines that help an opiate-addicted person find relief from opiate withdrawal symptoms.
How Long Will an Opiate Detox Last?
On average, you can look to spend 5-10 days in opiate detox, 2-5 weeks in an inpatient program, and 30-60 days in an outpatient program.
The most successful stories are told by those who’ve spent at least three months in an inpatient treatment program, an outpatient treatment program, or a combination of both.
What Are the Withdrawal Symptoms During an Opiate Detox?
Some individuals, especially those heavily addicted to opiates, will receive evidence-based medications specifically designed for those detoxing from opioid pain medications.
Most insurance providers offer substance abuse treatment coverage (call your insurance carrier to be certain).
You can expect a range of opiate withdrawal symptoms during detox, including the following:
- Rapid heartbeat
- Spike in blood pressure
- High fever
- Excessive sweat
- Getting the “chills”
- Runny nose
- Watery eyes
- Spasms
- Inability to sleep
- Oversleeping
- Excessive yawning
- Overall unwell feeling
In opiate detox, medical professionals provide medications and care, and psychologists are present to talk through what you feel during your process so you can know that you’re 100% supported in your detoxification efforts.
Once your opiate withdrawal subsides and your system is clean, you’ll start your tailored opiate aftercare treatment program.
What Types of Treatment Are Used During an Opiate Detox?
An inpatient opiate detox and treatment program provides the following types of treatment:
- Group therapy sessions
- Individual counseling sessions
- Family counseling sessions
- Support groups
- MAT, or medically assisted treatment (to curb cravings and minimize the effects of opioid withdrawal)
A completely outpatient program provides these treatments for patients who need to or choose to remain in their own homes, whether for familial, school, or work reasons.
An opiate outpatient program isn’t nearly as intensive as an inpatient program and can range from just a couple of hours weekly to several hours daily.
Can You Detox from Opiates at Home or Not?
Due to the severity of uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, detoxing from opiates at home is not recommended. Being in a safe, stable environment is the best place to withdraw from opiates and receive the support you need moving forward.
If you are prescribed opiate medication by your doctor, you may be able to discuss slowly weaning off the prescription, but it is vital that you are completely honest with them.
If you have been abusing your opiate medication, or mixing it with other substances, it can be dangerous to detox at home.
How to Find an Opiates Detox Center Near Me
Zinnia Health has made it easy to find an opiates detox center near you. We offer addiction treatment programs at facilities around the country.
To find one near you, click here and type in the kind of treatment you’re looking for and your state.
Opiate addiction often leaves lasting scars, but not always the visible kind.
Addiction can harm your brain and change how it functions. In treatment for opiate use disorder, you’ll learn the skills necessary for adjusting your coping mechanisms, refraining from using, and staying clean one day at a time.
If you need help with opiate addiction, reach out to Zinnia Health. Our caring representatives are ready to speak to you about your situation. Call us at (855) 430-9439 to see how we can help you take the first step on your road to recovery.
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