Substance Use

What Are the Side Effects of Morphine Abuse?

morphine addict preparing drugs on spoon

Side Effects of Morphine Abuse

Morphine is an opioid pain medication typically used to relieve severe pain after surgery or for people suffering from terminal illnesses. Although it is an effective pain reliever, it also has a high potential for abuse and addiction. In this blog post, we will explore some of the common side effects of morphine abuse.

Zinnia Health understands that morphine abuse and addiction are serious problems that require professional treatment. Our team of compassionate and experienced addiction specialists is here to help you or your loved one get on the road to recovery. Call (855) 430-9439 for assistance.

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What Are the Common Side Effects Of Morphine?

Morphine is a Schedule II highly addictive drug that can cause several different side effects, both short-term and long-term.

Some of the most common side effects of morphine use include:

  • Drowsiness
  • Constipation
  • Shallow breathing
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Gastrointestinal issues
  • Seizures

What Are the Short-Term Side Effects of Morphine?

The most common short-term side effect of morphine is drowsiness because opioid drug use slows the central nervous system. This can make it difficult to concentrate or perform tasks that require mental alertness, such as driving or operating machinery.

What Can Happen If You Take Too Much Morphine?

The most dangerous short-term side effect of morphine is an opioid overdose. An opioid overdose occurs when a person takes too much of an opioid and their breathing becomes dangerously slow or stops altogether.

Opioids affect the part of the brain that regulates breathing, so when people take high doses of morphine, it can lead to respiratory depression and a morphine overdose.

Symptoms of an opioid overdose include:

  • Slow or shallow breathing
  • Extreme drowsiness
  • Blue lips or fingernails
  • Cold, clammy skin

If you think someone is experiencing an opioid overdose, it is essential to call 911 immediately and give them naloxone if you have it. Naloxone is a medication that can temporarily reverse the effects of an opioid overdose and give the person time to get to a hospital for treatment.

If you’re taking morphine, you must talk to your doctor about having naloxone available. Having naloxone on hand can be the difference between life and death in the event of an overdose, so it’s essential to be prepared.

Zinnia Health is committed to helping those struggling with drug abuse or a substance use disorder get the treatment they need to recover. Our team of addiction specialists can help you or your loved one find a treatment center that fits your unique needs. Call (855) 430-9439 for assistance.

What Are the Long-Term Side Effects of Morphine?

Extended use of morphine can lead to many long-term side effects, including:

  • Liver damage
  • Kidney damage
  • Irregular heartbeat and infections of heart valves and lining
  • Abscesses
  • Respiratory problems
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Mental health issues like depression
  • Financial and legal problems  
  • Damaged relationships  
  • Job loss  
  • Dependence and tolerance, causing an increased risk of overdose because you need to take more morphine to achieve the same high or pain relief
  • Withdrawal symptoms in newborn babies if the mother takes morphine when pregnant

Does Morphine Affect Your Personality?

Morphine can cause changes in your mood and behavior, such as increased anxiety or restlessness. It can also cause hallucinations or delusions. This is because opioids like morphine change the way your brain functions.

One of the reasons that morphine is so addictive is that it creates a feeling of euphoria. When people take the drug, they feel a sense of well-being and relaxation. However, this pleasant feeling does not last very long. To maintain the effects of the drug, people need to keep taking it, which can lead to addiction.

People addicted to morphine may experience a range of warning signs, including financial problems, relationship difficulties, and changes in appearance or behavior. For example, someone addicted to morphine may start missing work or school or neglecting their hobbies and personal relationships.

They may also begin to isolate themselves from friends and family members. Financial problems are another common sign of addiction, as people may start borrowing money or selling possessions to pay for the drug.

Anyone exhibiting these warning signs should seek professional help as soon as possible.

What Drugs, Substances, or Supplements Interact With Morphine? 

The risks associated with morphine are well-known, but many people are unaware that taking other medications at the same time can increase those risks. Alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs can all interact dangerously with morphine.

Here is a list of medications to avoid when taking morphine:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Medications for mental illness, muscle relaxants, and sedatives — sleeping pills and tranquilizers are particularly risky, as they can intensify the drug’s sedative effects and lead to coma or even death
  • Alcohol, including prescription medications that contain alcohol

Drinking alcohol and taking other drugs while taking morphine can increase the risk of serious side effects, including slowed breathing and death.

If you are taking morphine, it is essential to tell your doctor about all the medications and substances you are taking to help you avoid potentially dangerous interactions.

Why Is Morphine So Addictive?

Morphine is a highly addictive drug because it interacts with the brain in a way that reinforces drug-taking behavior. When someone takes morphine or other opiates, the drug binds to receptors in the brain and spinal cord, which prevents pain signals from being sent to the brain.

At the same time, the drug also activates the brain’s reward center, releasing dopamine and giving the person a feeling of pleasure. Over time, the brain becomes accustomed to this level of dopamine, and it becomes harder to feel pleasure without taking drugs. As a result, people who use morphine can quickly become addicted to the drug. 

Zinnia Health Can Help

Overcoming morphine addiction is a complex and challenging process, but it is possible with the help of an addiction treatment program. Treatment options include outpatient and inpatient treatment, detox, individual counseling, group therapy, and medication-assisted treatment.

Zinnia Health offers a variety of program options so that you can find the right fit for your needs. Contact us today or call (855) 430-9439 to learn more about how we can help you overcome your addiction to morphine.

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