LSD and MDMA — Candyflipping Defined
The term “candyflipping” originated in the UK and is used to describe the intense combination experienced after taking MDMA (ecstasy or Molly) and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide, one of the most popular psychedelics). While the term is fairly new, this trend is not. Similar poly-drug combinations have been referenced for decades, yet little research has been published on the topic. Despite that, several well-known risks exist, including concerns surrounding addiction.
At Zinnia Health, we offer a range of evidence-based treatment options for substance abuse. If you are struggling with addiction, diminishing mental health, or both, we are open 24/7. Call us at (855) 430-9439 to discuss the next steps.

Why Do People Mix These Drugs?
Candyflipping produces the effects of taking LSD and MDMA together, strengthening the experience. Most users will take LSD, ketamine, magic mushrooms, or PCP and then MDMA a few hours later. While this intense high is what many users seek, those who do not have much experience can have a bad trip.
The effects can also be dangerous under certain circumstances. Even among those who have taken these drugs several times before, there is no way of knowing whether you’ll have a good or bad LSD trip. LSD is a powerful drug, and when combined with the effects of MDMA, users may experience overwhelming negative symptoms like paranoia and fear.
People often take MDMA after LSD to create a more positive, euphoric experience, but that is not always the result. Unpleasant subjective effects are not uncommon; depending on the individual, negative thoughts and feelings of panic can harm someone’s mental health — especially if they are already in a fragile state.
What Are the Effects of Candyflipping?
The available research on candyflipping is limited. Most studies were conducted in the ’80s and ’90s when this combination became popular. However, there has been some interest in the topic recently. Social media provides a source of data as trends appear online.
The NIH published a clinical trial in 2020, focusing on the effects of LSD alone and combined with MDMA. While self-reported positive effects were documented, common negative effects include:
- Paranoid thinking
- Loss of trust in people
- Anxiety
These effects depend on several factors, such as:
- The dose
- The individual and their personality traits
- The setting where the substances were taken
If you have begun to experiment with LSD, DMT, or other hallucinogenic drugs to self-medicate or are frequently combining these substances with stimulants, it’s crucial you speak to a healthcare professional. All Zinnia Health locations offer comprehensive, tailored treatment — call (855) 430-9439 to learn more.
Dangers of Combining LSD and MDMA
Although substances like MDMA and LSD are being studied based on their potential ability to aid certain mental health disorders, these cases are highly controlled, and doses are minimal. This research is still in its infancy, so this is not a recommended approach. If you try to self-medicate with LSD and MDMA, the effects could be negative and dangerous.
There are many safety considerations surrounding overdose potential. For example, MDMA interferes with body temperature regulation and has been linked to liver, kidney, and cardiovascular system failure. For some, these effects are fatal, especially when paired with severe dehydration. When you lose touch with reality and lose your sense of time, you may not be in the right mind frame to address rising health concerns.
For example, elevated body temperature and a rising heart rate can be particularly dangerous for those with a pre-existing health condition, such as those with poor heart health. Heatstroke is the primary cause of death among MDMA users, but it is just one possible side effect. The combination of LSD with MDMA can be dire in a situation where you’re dehydrated, your temperature is rising, and you’re experiencing psychosis.
The concerns surrounding the progression of your drug use are also troubling. Addiction is likely when you chase stronger, longer-lasting highs and continue to use despite experiencing consequences.
Everyone’s reasons for using and personal triggers differ. However, physical and mental dependence often play a significant role.
Following moderate use, you can experience the following withdrawal symptoms for a week or more after cessation:
- Depression
- Sleep issues
- Mood swings
- Memory problems
- Trouble concentrating
- Anxiety
- Irritability and aggression
- Impulsiveness
- Cravings
Some of these effects may be linked to the combination of MDMA and other drugs, ranging from marijuana to LSD.
When LSD or other hallucinogens are taken alongside MDMA, the comedown can be intense, lasting around 24 hours or more. You can experience the above symptoms and feelings of paranoia and panic.
If you live with a mental health disorder, like depression or PTSD, this comedown period can be challenging. There are also concerns about reduced concentration and attention, especially if users work in a job that risks their safety — for example, operating any vehicle or machinery, construction work, etc.
Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics also shows that fatal work injuries related to unintentional overdose increased an average of 24% each year from 2011 to 2018. Of the fatalities, 41% were from non-medical drugs, and 32% were related to combined drug use.
What Are the Warning Signs of LSD or MDMA Addiction?
If you are combining drugs like LSD and MDMA or are frequently using either one on its own, you may be struggling with addiction. MDMA is a Schedule 1 drug, which means it carries a high potential for abuse.
Research shows that addiction begins to change the brain based on how substances influence brain chemicals, like dopamine and serotonin. In many cases, individuals feel as though they have completely lost control. Without help, many remain powerless against their disease.
If you are concerned that you may be living with an addiction to LSD, MDMA, or any other substances, here are some warning signs:
- You spend most of your day using a substance, seeking it, or thinking about it.
- You continue using your substance of choice regardless of the consequences — for example, legal issues, losing a job, or custody of children
- Depending on the substance, deterioration in physical appearance, changes in sleep patterns, significant weight loss or gain
- Frequently getting in trouble with the law, such as fighting or driving under the influence
- Neglecting responsibilities, such as work, school, or parental responsibilities. This lack of involvement is often paired with financial issues
- You’re using substances like LSD or MDMA to avoid withdrawal symptoms and have an increased tolerance
- Changes in personality, mood, motivation levels, etc.
Get Help for LSD and MDMA Addiction Today
Each situation is unique, which is why you must seek individualized support. If you have lost control over your degree of substance use, it’s time to partner with an evidence-based treatment facility like Zinnia Health. Contact us online or call (855) 430-9439 to discuss your needs today.