Substance Use

Cocaine Detox: How to Detox Safely

line of cocaine with rolled dollar bill to snort

How to Detox From Cocaine Safely

When you decide to look at the various options for a cocaine detox, there are some centers that might be more beneficial to you than others, so let’s take a closer look at how a cocaine detox program can help you achieve your goals.

When detoxing from cocaine, it is crucial that you experience safety and comfort throughout the process, as well as the assistance you will receive in achieving your freedom from your substance use disorder.

In this article, we cover how you will free yourself from the effects of the drug with a full and effective cocaine detox, and what the cocaine detox program at Zinnia Health involves.

We describe how cocaine negatively impacts your body, and how we safely manage all the experiences and symptoms of cocaine withdrawal.

We go into the full cocaine detox process, what you can expect, how long it is likely to take, available treatments, and what you can do today to give yourself a head start on gaining freedom from cocaine.

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What is a Cocaine Detox?

Cocaine detox is a process of managing withdrawal symptoms through medication management and monitoring.

There is no taper medication offered for cocaine detox, so medical staff will focus more on easing your cocaine withdrawal symptoms with “comfort” medications.

If you’re looking for a comfortable, effective, and caring cocaine detox facility, please know that you don’t need to do this alone.

How Long Will a Cocaine Detox Last?

Particularly if your usage of cocaine has been heavy, or if you were using the drug in a chronic manner or chaotic environment, it is crucial that your cocaine detox is closely supervised in a comfortable and caring space to avoid the potential for any dangerous outcomes.

Depending on your level of usage and addiction, an effective cocaine detox can take between 7 to 10 days.

After this, the specialists at Zinnia Health can continue to monitor you on your recovery journey to make sure that you continue to receive effective support.

Detoxing from cocaine is not easy, but it doesn’t have to be so hard if you are being well looked after by professionals who understand your needs, as well as being supported throughout the entire process with the right level of medical intervention.

What Are the Withdrawal Symptoms During a Cocaine Detox?

A major issue is that when cocaine use is stopped, the mood elevation that cocaine causes immediately crashes, and other health and psychological problems quickly reveal themselves.

As the National Library of Medicine notes, you are likely to experience symptoms such as fatigue, yet at the same time an inability to sleep, as well as suspicion and paranoia, extreme irritability, and anxiety.

The relationship between the use of cocaine and faltering mental health has been expertly documented, and world psychiatry has long established that cocaine addiction is potentially very dangerous.

In many cases, whilst both taking cocaine and detoxing from it, people can experience delusions, extreme emotional shifts, and depression.

As a result of our long experience in managing cocaine detox programs, we have a fully-staffed facility capable of helping people get through the most challenging psychological aspects of detoxification from the drug, such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Agitation
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Anger
  • Paranoia
  • Lethargy
  • Intense and unpleasant dreams and nightmares
  • Strong cravings for cocaine
  • Delusions
  • Decreased appetite
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Suicidal thoughts and actions

It isn’t only the unpleasant and potentially dangerous psychological side effects that are a major concern in the cocaine detox process.

Cocaine and its withdrawal can physically affect the body in numerous ways.

While the extent to which you’re affected by these symptoms will be determined by the intensity of your usage of cocaine, those you can expect to experience may include:

  • Shivering and chills
  • Vomiting
  • Muscle pain
  • Exhaustion
  • Sweating
  • Headaches and nausea
  • Bodily tremors

What Types of Treatment Are Used During a Cocaine Detox?

Several different therapies can be utilized during a cocaine detox and addiction treatment program.

Can You Detox from Cocaine at Home or Not?

Over the course of the past decade, there has been a notable increase across America in the number of overdose deaths from cocaine, and our goal is to reduce this as much as we can, by providing an effective and caring rehabilitation program.

Because of the risk of relapse, it is not typically recommended to detox from cocaine at home. In fact, the longer you stay in treatment, the better chance you have of long-term recovery.

While there are no medications that can help with overcoming addiction to cocaine, we can provide behavioral and psychological treatments that will help you to stabilize your mood, treat any depression, and aid you in your avoidance of any potential future use of cocaine.

Our medical professionals can help you detox from cocaine through careful monitoring of your condition, pain relief, and other treatment as needed. We will do our utmost to keep you safe during this process by providing a comfortable, supportive environment that is dedicated to stopping cocaine addiction for good.

How to Find a Cocaine Detox Center Near Me

When thinking about how to detox from cocaine, we would highly recommend that you look at detoxing within a well-monitored and medically-assisted environment, so that you are kept safe and comfortable throughout the process.

Zinnia Health has locations throughout the country and is one of the top cocaine detox centers.

If you are looking for the nearest location to you, Zinnia Health has a list of local detox facilities and addresses on our website. You can also contact us through our 24/7 hotline by calling (877) 554-0016 to find the closet detox center near you.

Please don’t delay your recovery any further, and call Zinnia Health at (855) 430-9439 to help you on your journey to freedom from cocaine addiction.

National Institute on Drug Abuse: What happens to your brain when you use cocaine?

National Library of Medicine: Clinical Guidelines for Withdrawal Management and Treatment of Drug Dependence in Closed Settings.

National Library of Medicine: Relationship between cocaine use and mental health problems in a sample of European cocaine powder or crack users.

Journal of Analytical Toxicology: Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Cocaine.

New York State Department of Health: Opioid Prevention Programme. Overdose Deaths Involving Cocaine With and Without Opioids in New York State

National Institute on Drug Abuse: What happens to your brain when you use cocaine?

National Library of Medicine: Relationship between cocaine use and mental health problems in a sample of European cocaine powder or crack users.

National Institute on Drug Abuse. Cocaine Drug Facts

New York State Department of Health: Opioid Prevention Programme. Overdose Deaths Involving Cocaine With and Without Opioids in New York State

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