Addiction hotlines can be accessed from anywhere and at any time of day, making them a convenient resource for individuals seeking help for drug or alcohol substance abuse in Alabama (AL).
What Are the Addiction Hotlines and Helplines for Alabama?
Below is a list of three free 24/7 helplines for this wanting help in Alabama for a substance abuse disorder.
Organization Name | Telephone Number | Text Number |
R.O.S.S. | (844) 307-1760 | None |
211 Connects Alabama | 211 | None |
Zinnia Health | (855) 430-9439 | None |
These telephone numbers listed are free of charge to call for residents from Alabama, the Yellowhammer State, to call.
Find the location that works for you.

List of Free Alabama Addiction Helplines
The R.O.S.S. (Reentry and Overdose Support Services) recovery system in Alabama is a comprehensive program designed to provide support services to individuals with substance use disorder who are transitioning from incarceration back into the community. The aim of the program is to reduce recidivism rates and improve the health outcomes of individuals with substance use disorder.
211 Connects Alabama
211 Connects Alabama is a community resource program that provides assistance and support to individuals in need. The program offers referrals to a range of resources and services, including those related to substance use disorder, such as addiction treatment programs, overdose prevention resources, and support groups.
Zinnia Health
Zinnia Health offers a free 24/7 helpline so you can speak to a qualified support agent who understand the issues with drug and alcohol addiction.
Zinnia Health is a service that offers drug and alcohol rehab centers nationwide. We can help you find the nearest substance abuse treatment program near to you in AL.
Zinnia Health has helped thousands of people across the country recover from drug, alcohol, and mental health disorders.
How Bad is Substance Use Disorder in Alabama?
We shared the following 2020 alcohol-related death stats:
- 569 deaths (up 139.1% from 2000)
- 11.6 deaths per 100,000 people (up 114.8% from 2000)
- 2020 state population: 4,921,532 (up 10.7% from 2000)
An estimated 2.45 percent of Alabama’s population, more than 91,000 people, have suffered from addiction to illicit drugs. In 2010, there were 6,945 people admitted to drug treatment in Alabama, and marijuana is the most widely available and abused drug in the state.
According to SAMHSA’s Behavioral Health Barometers for Alabama 2009-2013, 99,000 individuals aged 12 years and older were dependent on or abused illicit drugs each year. Approximately 90.3% of all those using illicit drugs did not receive treatment. In 2017-2019, the annual average prevalence of past-month illicit drug use in Alabama was 7.2%, similar to both the regional average (7.5%) and the national average (8.2%).
One-fifth of Alabama students in grades 6 through 12 admitted to using alcohol in the past month, and more than ten percent admitted to using illegal drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, or amphetamine. Reports suggest that 22.93% of adults in Alabama report binge drinking or regular excessive alcohol intake. While rates of marijuana use in Alabama tend to be lower than the national average, 5.3% of adults over the age of 17 have reported frequent use of the drug.