The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) defines bath salts as synthetic, lab-produced, “designer” drugs. The term is used to categorize many drugs produced this way. As it is a broad term, it isn’t easy to know what each drug contains exactly. The thing these drugs have in common is that they are synthetic cathinones. Learn about the dangers and side effects of bath salts and how to seek help for bath salts addiction.
If you’re concerned about your or a loved one’s bath salts addiction, Zinnia Health can help. Call us 24/7 at (855) 430-9439.

What Are Bath Salts?
Cathinones are chemicals found in an East African shrub called “khat,” known for its psychoactive properties. Synthetic cathinones are often far more potent than natural cathinones found in khat and can be extremely dangerous.
Indigenous people in East Africa and some parts of the Middle East chew khat to experience mild effects commonly associated with stimulants. It is important not to confuse khat and bath salts; although they are chemically similar, bath salts are significantly more potent, often contain unknown ingredients, and usually take the form of brown or white crystalized powders.
Bath salts are unregulated in production and usually come in foil or plastic packaging that states it is not for human consumption. Initially, bath salts were sold as “legal highs” in head shops and liquor stores. However, they are now classified as Schedule I by the DEA and are no longer for sale on a large scale. However, they are still available online on certain websites and are often labeled “legal cocaine.” They are also commonly referred to by street names such as “White Lightning” and “Flakka.
When these synthetic drugs were for sale on a larger scale, many retailers would sell them as “phone screen cleaners,” “plant food,” or “bath salts” (which is how they got their name).
Bath Salts Side Effects on the Body and Brain
People commonly use bath salts to invoke feelings and physical effects that resemble those associated with drugs such as MDMA, cocaine, amphetamines, and other stimulants.
However, because of the lack of regulation in producing these synthetic substances, they can have even more significant effects on the body and brain.
Some of the stimulant effects often experienced by users are:
- Euphoria
- Increased talking
- High sex drive
- Increased concentration
- Hallucinations
- Insomnia
More Bath Salts Side Effects
In addition to the effects associated with the “high” produced by the drug, there are also a significant number of bath salts’ side effects related to consumption. Common side effects can include:
- Pain in the chest
- Increased heart rate
- Excessive sweating
- Increased blood pressure
- Hyperthermia
- Muscle tremors
- Dilated pupils
- Blood vessel constriction
- Seizures
- Changes to appetite
The above list includes acute bath salts’ side effects. However, higher dosages and regular use can lead to more extreme side effects. Some examples of these are:
- Paranoia
- Feeling confused
- Violent outbursts
- Panic attacks
- Psychosis
There are also reports of death relating to accidental overdose and suicide where bath salts were present in the body. Some individuals have displayed extremely violent outbursts while under the influence of bath salts. Because of the psychosis that can occur while taking the drug, self-injury and injury to others are prevalent with bath salts consumption. Renal failure and rhabdomyolysis can also occur with substantial overdoses.
Additional side effects include swelling of the brain, breathing problems, hyperactivity, delirium, suicidal thoughts, or thoughts of self-harm. There is an increased risk of heart attack or stroke when using the drug. You’re more likely to experience symptoms of depression and anxiety when “coming down” from or “high” on the drug or with continued use. Bath salts can cause severe and lasting damage to the brain and the body.
DEA Categorization of Bath Salts
Under the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), bath salts are Schedule I. This means they have no medicinal use, are unregulated, and are produced to imitate the effects of illicit substances. They can also be very dangerous when consumed and lead to dependence or addiction.
Bath Salts: Methods of Use
Like many other drugs, there are several ways to consume bath salts. People usually smoke, snort, swallow, or sometimes inject synthetic cathinones. Snorting the substance is the most common method of use.
Useful Information – Street Names
Besides “bath salts,” there are many names associated with synthetic cathinones; knowing these can help determine the drug you or your loved one is taking. Although some people online refer to the drug as “legal cocaine” or “legal meth,” some street dealers may sell synthetic cathinones as “molly.”
Most people associate “molly” with MDMA, but it is important to know that some products sold under this name either online or by street dealers may not contain any MDMA.
You may come across other names: Vanilla Sky, Scarface, White Lightning, Bloom, Meow Meow, Drone, Flakka, Sextasy, Red Dove, or Plant Food. There are also many other names, but these are the most common.
Intoxication & Bath Salts Side Effects
Like other common illicit drugs, bath salts have a typical timeline users experience after ingesting the substance. Depending on its potency, a user may feel “high” on the drug for around 4–8 hours.
The “comedown” can last for 48 hours, but users can experience effects such as high blood pressure or an increased heart rate for longer. Some users may also experience psychosis for an extended period after the substance leaves the body.
Bath Salts Addiction
Like many drugs, bath salts can be addictive. Many users feel an intense need to continue using bath salts and may experience withdrawal symptoms, including tremors, paranoia, sleep issues, anxiety, and depression.
An addiction involving bath salts can substantially affect an individual’s life and the lives of those around them.
Recognizing Addiction
If you have concerns about your own use of bath salts or think that a loved one may have an addiction, there are several signs to be aware of. These include:
- Increased irritability: An addict may act more irritable than they usually would.
- Paranoia: A bath salts user may display symptoms of paranoia regularly, thinking someone is after them or something terrible will happen. They may jump to conclusions, think that everyone is against them or have issues with trust.
- Hallucinations: These may include hearing voices or seeing things that are not there. An addict may often be confused, talking to themselves, or moving strangely because of the hallucinations they are experiencing.
- Tremors/shaking: This is a typical withdrawal symptom. Some users may also experience tremors when under the influence of bath salts.
- Depression: Symptoms of depression may include low mood, lack of interest or motivation, and neglecting self-care and hygiene.
- Self-harm: Addicts may have cuts on their arms, legs, or other body parts. Some users may act on impulses that come with bath salts-related psychosis. This can sometimes mean seriously harming oneself.
- Violent behavior: There have been cases of violence against others from bath salts addicts. An addict may lash out at loved ones, even if they have no previous history of displaying this kind of behavior.
- Neglecting appearance and hygiene: Addicts may not wash as often as they used to, wear the same clothes often, and smell of body odor. They may also smell of the substance that they use, in this case, bath salts. Some people report bath salts as smelling like cat urine. The scent may expel through the pores through sweating.
- Increased financial need: If you are unsure whether your loved one has an addiction, an increased need to borrow money can be a sign to watch out for. They may borrow money from you or others and suddenly take out loans or credit cards.
- Weight loss: An individual with a bath salts addiction may show signs of weight loss and malnourishment. This often shows around the face and neck first, but users may begin to lose weight in all areas of their body over time and appear malnourished.
- Breakouts of acne: Bath salts can cause skin problems such as acne. Addicts may develop acne on their faces, necks, back, and chest.
- Unusual sleep patterns: Because bath salts stimulate the body, addicts may have trouble sleeping at night. This can lead to them staying up all night and sleeping during the day.
Bath Salts Recovery
If you think you have an addiction to bath salts, it can be beneficial to seek treatment. You may feel like the drug is taking over your life, experience uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms, and have an overwhelming urge to continue using it.
Admitting that you are addicted to a substance can be difficult, and addicts often deny they have a substance use issue for a long time. You should be proud of yourself for recognizing your substance use issues and considering entering a recovery program.
Admitting your addiction is the first step to recovery. If you feel you are ready to take the next step and seek treatment, we can help. Contact Zinnia Health at (855) 430-9439 to see what we can offer. There are several treatment options available to addicts seeking help in a non-judgmental and empathetic environment.
Families of Bath Salts Addicts
If you think your loved one has an addiction to bath salts, you may want to see them enter treatment. Getting your loved one into a recovery program can be challenging if they are in denial about their addiction.
You must understand the stage they are at in their addiction and plan your approach accordingly. If you want to help your loved one, you must take a sensitive approach and offer support throughout their recovery journey.
Your loved one’s addiction may have a considerable impact on you. Many people forget to consider the families of addicts in the recovery process, but for most family members, their loved one’s addiction has changed their lives too.
Your family dynamics may have changed as well as your financial situation and the connection you have with your loved one. It is important to show yourself some compassion and praise yourself for seeking help for your loved one.
Encouraging a Loved One To Seek Help
It is important to remember that although you may want your loved one to enter recovery, they may not be ready. Many drug users will be in denial about their addictions. It is crucial to remember that this is very common.
If you want to talk to your loved one about entering recovery, then there are several things you should do to increase the chances of them recognizing their problems and agreeing to treatment.
Approach them at the right time. Sometimes it can feel that there is never the right time to have such a sensitive conversation. However, with an addict, timing is of great importance. Never encourage your loved one to seek treatment when they are “high” or intoxicated.
Express concern, not anger. You may be upset or even furious about your loved one’s addiction. Their addiction has likely been the cause of many problems for you. Try to put your anger aside for now; compassion and concern will encourage them to seek help, not anger.
Consider an intervention with others. Sometimes it can help an addict to have several loved ones expressing concern for them. If other family members feel the same as you about your loved one’s substance use, it may help to include them in the conversation. This may not be the right approach, so use tact.
There are also professionals who can help you and join an intervention with your loved one. Sometimes a professional is a better option as they can present as an unbiased third party and can aid in mediation.
Reach Out Today
If you feel ready to take the next step and arrange treatment for yourself or your loved one, reach out to us.
Call Zinnia Health at (855) 430-9439 whenever you are ready. We know it can be scary and that it is a big step, but we help families and individuals in the same position as you all the time. There is hope — a happy and substance-free life is possible.
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